Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

(Last update: 05/30/2024)

Giuseppe Mazzarella graduated "summa cum laude" in Electronic Engineering at the Università degli Studi Federico II, Napoli, in 1984 and then reecievd the PhD in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science in 1989.

In 1990 he became Assistant Professor ("Ricercatore") at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica of the Università degli Studi Federico II, Napoli and since 1992 he has been with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica of the Università degli Studi di Cagliari, as Associate Professor (1992-2000) and then as Full Professor, teaching courses on Electromagnetic Fields, Microwave and Antenna Engineering, Wireless Systems  and Microwave Remote Sensing.

From 2012 to 2015 he has been the Head of the Department, and from 2015 to 2021 he has been a member of the BoD of the Università degli Studi di Cagliari. At the moment, he is the Rector delegate for aerospace. Starting 01/01/2018, he is President of SIEm (Italian society for Applied Electromagnetics). From 2005 to 2016 he has been President and CEO of the consortium  CyberSAR. CyberSAR has been in charge of the project "CyberSAR", funded with about 10.8 million Euros from the Italian  Ministry for University, inside the  "PON ricerca 2000-2007" program. From 2008 to 2013 he was VicePresident of  CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications). CNIT promotes and coordinates research projects in all aspects of telecomminications, with a budget of more than 8 million Euros per years (in that period).

He has been PI or local coordinator of joint research projects funded by ASI (Italian Space Agency), CNR (National Research Council),  Italian  Ministry for University and RAS (Sardinia Autonomous Region) on many different antenna topics (Analysis and Design of wire, printed and slot), on Antenna Diagnostics and on the use of  SAR data. He has been also scientific coordinator of research contracts between the  Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica and different italian industrial firms on waveguide slot arrays and on adaptative antennas.

He is IEEE Senior Member and vice-chair of the  IEEE Central and South Italy joint chapter of MTT/AP Societies.

He is author (or co-author) of over 100 articles on international journals, and of over 110 communications to international symposia. His H-index is equal to 23 (Scopus data, extracted on 03/24/2023). Three of his articles have received more than 160 citations each. He serves as reviewer for the main journals in Electromagnetics.

He has been supervisor of about 50 master thesis works and of  12 PhD, all on Electromagnetic Engineering and Microwave Remote Sensing topics. Presently, he is co-supervisor of 3 PhD students on Electromagnetic Engineering topics.

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