Dipartimento di Fisica


Curriculum Vitae of Guido Mula


Guido Mula is a full time researcher at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

He is a Materials Science researcher with more than 20 years of experience. His expertise ranges from epitaxial nanostructured semiconductors to microporous materials. He is an expert of materials fabrication and characterization. For more than 10 years he fabricated and characterized nanostructured epitaxial materials for applications ranging from the infrared to the visible and ultraviolet wavelength range.

His more recent research activity is in the field of porous silicon-based structures. In 2002 he built a new research group in the Physics Department of the University of Cagliari to study Porous Silicon (PSi) and PSi-based devices, with a particular focus on hybrid organic-inorganic structures. In particular, he investigated the fabrication and behavior of tretinoin-PSi drug delivery systems, lipase-PSi potentiometric biosensors for triglycerides, hybrid melanin- and PANI-PSi hybrid structures.

He also studied the electrochemical rare-earth doping of PSi for optoelectronics. He maintains several national and international colaborations.

Personal information

First name / Surname: Guido Mula
Telephone: +39 070 675 4934/4787
Fax: +39 070 675 3191
E-mail: guido.mula@dsf.unica.it

Nationality: Italian
Gender: Male
Occupational field: University Researcher


Work Experience

From 11/1997
Occupation or position held: University Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities: Research in the field of Materials Science. In detail:

– Since 2003: Porous Silicon structures: realization of a new laboratory for the fabrication and characterization of PSi-based devices: drug delivery systems, biosensors using organic molecules, optoelectronics. In particular, he follows research themes on Er-doped Porous Silicon and hybrid interfaces between Porous Silicon and conductive polymers (melanins, polyaniline, …)
– From 11/97 to 12/2002: Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) growth and characterization of semiconductor heterostructures in collaboration with the Semiconductor Lab (DRFMC/PSC) of the CEA-Grenoble (France) (until 12/2002): CdTe-based structures (infrared and visible optoelectronics, photonic bandgap structures, surface studies, interfaces, growth of ternary and quaternary structures (Cd(x)Zn(y)Mg(z)Hg(1-x-y-z)Te) (211)-oriented), GaN-based structures (quantum dots (GaN/Ga(x)Al(1-x)N and InN/Ga(x)In(1-x)N), UV-VIS optoelectronics, surfaces and interfaces, surfactants, hexagonal (0001) and cubic (001) structures)


Teaching at the University of Cagliari:

– Scientific advisor of several Laurea and PhD students.
– Professor of the Laboratory 1st course for the “Laurea Magistrale” in Physics from the Academic year 2012-13. Total course 10 credit, 120 hours; Materials Science part, in charge of Guido Mula, 80 hours the first year and 60 hours since then.
– Professor of Physics Laboratory course for 1st year Materials Science Students (12 credits (120 hours) in the 2003/4 – 2007/8 Academic Years, 9 credits (92 hours) since 2008/9)
– Professor of Physics Laboratory course for Chemistry Students (2 credits (24 hours), in the 1999/2000 – 2003/4 Academic Years)
– Tutor for the 1st year Physics Laboratory course for Physics students (100 hours, 1997/8 – 2000/1 Academic years)


Academic and Related Charges:

• Member of the Administration Council of the University of Cagliari for three years (2015-2018), appointed by the Academic Senate within a list of names proposed by the Rector of the University Prof. Maria del Zompo
• Member of the Governing Board of the Centro Universitario Sportivo of Cagliari, appointed by the Administration Council of the University of Cagliari, for three years (2015-2018)
• Member of the Committee for the revision of the University of Cagliari Statute, appointed by the Academic Senate and Administration Council within a list of names proposed by the Rector of the University Prof. Giovanni Melis (2012)
• Elected member as a representative of researchers of the Administration Council of the University of Cagliari 2007-2010
• Component of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the AUSI Consortium as representative of the University of Cagliari since 2007
• Member of several committees of the Materials Science cursus studiorum


Dates: From 10/1994 to 10/1997
Occupation or position held: Post-Doc
Main activities and responsibilities: MBE growth and characterization of II-VI semiconductors heterostructures containing Hg.

The aim of the work was the development of optically active heterostructures for several applications: from the use of photorefractive effect to the design and fabrication of microcavities and light-emitting devices. I was in charge of the growth and part of the optical characterization.

Name and address of employer: CEA-Grenoble (France)
Type of business or sector: Basic and Applied Research


Education and training

Dates: 1994
Title of qualification awarded: Advanced Optical Characterization techniques (Italian: Corso di Perfezionamento in Tecnologie Ottiche)
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Fast and ultrafast optical excitation and detection techniques
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: University of Cagliari
Level in national or international classification: 6

Dates: 1990-1993
Title of qualification awarded: PhD in Physics
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: The title of the PhD Thesis was “Blue Optoelectronics: study and optimization of II-VI/II-VI and II VI/III V heterostructures” (Italian: Optoelettronica nel blu: studio e ottimizzazione di eterostrutture II-VI/II-VI and II-VI/III-V).
The work was performed in collaboration with the INFM-TASC laboratory in Trieste and consisted mainly in the MBE growth and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) characterization of ZnSe/GaAs(001) hetero-interfaces and Cd(x)Zn(1-x)Se/ZnSe(001) quantum wells. I was in charge of both the growth and characterization.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Level in national or international classification: 6

Dates: 7/1990 – 10/1990
Title of qualification awarded: Stage
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Research stage made to complete the Laurea’s stage work on the photoconductivity of GaAs/GaAlAs(100) quantum wells.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Max-Plank-Institut für Festkörperforschung- Hochfeld Magnetlabor of Grenoble (France)
Level in national or international classification: 6

Dates: 19/03/1990
Title of qualification awarded: Laurea in Fisica
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: The Laurea work was titled: Photoconductivity study of GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells (in Italian: Studio della fotoconducibilità in buche quantiche di GaAs/GaAlAs). The research work was performed in a six months stage at the Max-Plank-Institut für Festkörperforschung- Hochfeld Magnetlabor of Grenoble (France) thanks to an ERASMUS grant.
The final mark was 110/110 cum laude
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Level in national or international classification: 5

Dates: 1985/6 – 1989/90 Academic years
Type of Studies: University Cursus in Physics
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Physics from basics to the main arguments of Materials Science (Structure of Matter, Theoretical Materials Science, Solid State Spectroscopy, …)
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Level in national or international classification: 5

Active projects

1. Progetti di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale – PRIN 2010-2011 – titled Processi ossidativi e radicalici: aspetti innovative ed applicazioni allo sviluppo di biopolimeri melanici e antiossidanti di rilevanza biomedical e tecnologica (PROxi) (Radical and oxidative processes: innovative aspects and applications for the development of melanic biopolymers and antioxidants of biomedical and technological interest)
2. Sardinia Region Basic Research, call 2013, project CRP 78744 titled: Energy applications with porous silicon/Applicazioni per l’energia con il silicio poroso (EnAPSi)


Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Italian

Other language(s)
Understanding – Speaking – Writing
European level (*) Listening, Reading – Spoken interaction, Spoken production
French C2, C2 – C2, C2 – C2
English C2, C2 – C2, C2 – C2
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Livello europeo (*) Ascolto, Lettura – Interazione orale, Produzione orale –
Francese C2, C2 – C2, C2 – C2
Inglese C2, C2 – C2, C2 – C2

Main research skills and competences
1. Fabrication and characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic bulk heterojunctions for photovoltaics using porous Si as inorganic matrix and several polymers (polyaniline, melanins) as the organic counterpart
2. Realization and characterization of biosensors fabricated using a porous silicon matrix
3. Drug delivery systems using porous silicon
4. MBE growth (more than 10 years) structural and optical characterization of semiconducting materials (GaN , AlN, InN and their compunds) in 1D and 2D structures: quantum wells, quantum dots, superlattices, Bragg mirrors, microcavities, …
5. RHEED surface studies of semiconductors: growth surfaces (CdTe, CdHgTe, CdZnTe), surfactants (GaN, AlGaN, AlN), interfaces (ZnSe/GaAs).
6. XPS studies of valence band discontinuity in ZnSe/GaAs(001) and (111) heterovalent interface
7. Optoelectronics from UV to NIR: light modulators, light emitters (diodes, lateral and surface emission lasers, microcavities).
8. Optical absorption and conductivity in GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures.

Technical skills and competences

A) Samples production :
1. Hybrid porous Si – polymer structures for photovoltaics
2. Fabrication of porous Silicon samples for optoelectronics, biosensing and photovoltaics.
3. Electrochemical formation of Porous Silicon single- and multi-layers
4. Electrochemical modification of porous Si structures (rare earth doping, oxidation, …)
5. MBE growth of a large variety of semiconducting heterostructures: II-VI/III-V (ZnSe/GaAs), II-VI/II-VI (CdZnSe/ZnSe, CdxHgyZnzMg1-x-y-zTe/ CdxHgyZnzMg1-x-y-zTe), III-V (GaxAlyIn1-x-yN/GaxAlyIn1-x-yN)

B) Characterization techniques :
6. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
7. Optical Spectroscopy (Transmission, Reflectivity,…)
8. Surface and interface characterization by means of XPS, Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED), Profilometers, Optical Microscopy.
9. Optical and Electro-Optical characterization (photoconductivity, absorption, electro-absorption, transmission, electro-optical modulation, infrared spectroscopy by Fourier-transform Spectrometers (FT-IR).
10. Use of closed-cycle and He-flux optical cryostats.

C) Lithography :
11. Dry and wet chemical samples’ etch.
12. Resin mask deposition.
13. Contact deposition by evaporation and sputtering.

D) Experimental lab building :
14. Laboratory for the fabrication and characterization of porous silicon-based structures in Cagliari
15. Photoconductivity at the Max-Plank Institut – Hochfeld Magnetlabor in Grenoble.
16. Setup of a Photoluminescence lab (Ar laser pump) at TASC-INFM lab in Trieste.

Computer skills and competences
1. Development (in collaboration with B. Daudin e D. Jalabert) of a computer program calculating the fluxes emitted by MBE cells.
2. Setup and administration of an e-learning platform (moodle-based) as a support for Materials Science students course teaching
3. Professional computer-based scientific data analysis with various software applications (IgorPro, Origin, Excel, Scout, EISSA, …)

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