Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering

Curriculum  2021

Gianraffaele Loddo (1954)

Italian nationality


Associate Professor of Technical Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari

Civil Engineering Degree, Building Architecture Section, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari (1984)


Teaching Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari (since 2002):

Architecture of tensile structures

Technical Architecture Module for Civil Engineers

Construction Form

Technical Architecture for Conservation

Computer Graphics

Technical Architecture 3

Technical Architecture 1

Interior architecture


Course assistant (from 1984 to 2001):

Architecture and Architectural Composition 1

Composition 1

Composition 2

History of Architecture 2


Other Teachings:

Lecturer in the 2nd Level European Master in: "Cities and environmentally sustainable buildings: Power Plant Sardinia"



Teaching at European Universities (Erasmus program):

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs (Hungary): 2004-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011-2014

Faculty of Architecture of Hafen City University of Hamburg (Germany): 2012




Scientific Committees:

• Scientific director, Coordinator and Founder of the research group of the University of Cagliari for studies relating to:

Experimentation of electrochromic glasses

• Coordinator of the Italian Universities participating in the activities of RED (Red Internacional de Escuelas de Arquitectura del Mediterráneo Oriental Europeo) organized by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificación of the Universidad Politécnica of Cartagena

• Member of the Scientific Technical Committee for the industrial research and development program for the creation of an integrated, economic and non-invasive system, for obtaining environmental comfort, building automation, energy savings and efficiency, activated by the University of Cagliari and named:

SINBAD - Integrated Building Automation and Home Automation System

• Manager and signatory of a scientific collaboration agreement between the Department of Architecture of the University of Cagliari and Sage Electrochromics inc, Minnesota (U.S.A.), for:

Development of research and tests on the use of electrochromic glasses in the Mediterranean area.

• Chair at the Glass and Energy Saving Conference organized by Vitrum Energia (Milan 2009) in the session:

Glass and Energy Saving: prospects for technological development.

• Scientific manager of the Technical Consultancy assigned by FinAosta (Financial of the Valle d'Aosta Region) in relation to the project:

Realization and development of electrochromic devices for intelligent windows with variation of transparency.

• Scientific director of the two-year research relating to:

Simulation and experimentation of the use, for the purpose of energy saving, of innovative components with variable transparency for the architectural envelope in a Mediterranean climate.

• Member of the Research Unit of the University of Cagliari entitled "Protection and Enhancement of Basic Architecture and Regional Architecture. Characters - Techniques - Typology".

• Member of the Research Unit of the University of Cagliari, entitled "Modern construction in Italy: the heritage of the I.N.A. House 1949-63".

• Member of the Research Unit of the University of Cagliari, entitled "Modern construction in Italy: ways and techniques for conservation and recovery".

• Member of the Research Unit of the University of Cagliari, entitled "Italian architecture between 800 and 900: the case of Cagliari".


Owner of Scientific Research Projects:








Conferences as Speaker (selection):


• Conference "MediClima 2017", Cagliari (I), speech title: Smart glass in construction: Electrochromic glasses. Research and applications.


• International conference "Glass Performance Days" "Glass Technology, Design and Sustainability", Tampere (FIN), speech title: Electrochromic glass: behavior and energy saving.


• Conference "Energy, Építészet, Design" (Energy, Architecture, Design) organized by the Juhász Jen? College for Advanced Studies of the Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs (HU), speech title: Elektrokromikus üveg az építészetben ( Electrochromic glasses in Architecture).

• International conference "Challenging Glass 3", TU Delft (NL), speech title: Behavior of Electrochromic Glass in the Mediterrean Area.

• Conference "Almost zero energy buildings", Cagliari (I), speech title: Electrochromic glass: simulations and tests.


• International conference "Glass Performance Days" "Glass and Solar in Sustainable Development", Tampere (FIN), speech title: Experimenting and testing the use of electrochromic windows in the Mediterranean climate.


• Hi.Tech.Expo conference, “Solar glass: new technologies, innovation and architecture”, Milan (I), title of the intervention: The heat-resistant glass windows. The experimentation of electrochromic panels.

• Congress “37th IAHS World Congress on Housing”, Santander (ES), speech title: Electrochromic glazing in Contemporary Architecture: examples of use and opportunities for the future.

• Congress "Investigacion Aplicada a la Gestion de la Edificacion (COIGE'10)", Alicante (ES), speech title: Nuevos materiales y nuevas tecnologías para construcción: las vidrieras electrocromáticas.

• Conference, organized by the University of Pécs (Hungary), "Mandulavirágzási tudományos napok", Pécs (HU), speech title: Typologies and materials in the architectural traditions of Sardinia.


• Hi.Tech.Expo conference, “Materials and technologies for solar glass” in the session Glass and sustainable architecture ”, Milan (I), speech title: Electrochromic glass: from simulations to tests.

• International conference "Glass Performance Days", Tampere (FIN), speech title: Studying the performance of an electrochromic envelope in an office building in Mediterranean climate


• Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Pécs at the "Engineers and Information Sciences" workshop, PEcs (HU), speech title: Computer Graphics and Planning in Civil Engineering High Performance Computation Courses


• Conference "Museum. Merely Buildings for Culture?", Naples (I), speech title: Nuovi Musei. New Wraps


• Conference "Intersections and mutations in the relationships between architecture and technology", Rome (I), title of the speech: Materials, systems and minimalisms




Publications (selection)

59) Heating and cooling loads with electrochromic glazing in Mediterranean climate

(with Andrea Frattolillo, Costantino Carlo Mastino, Roberto Baccoli), On ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, Elsevier BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019. (RIVISTA in Classe A)

e-ISSN: 2421-4574, 10 pp. (Double Blind Peer Review).


58) The energetic characterization of solar-control environments

(with Andrea Frattolillo, Roberto Innamorati, Chiara Salaris), On TeMA (scientific journal of ArTec), Vol 5, No 1 (2019), Journal director Riccardo Gulli, Università di Bologna, Editor in chief Antonello Sanna, 2019. (RIVISTA in Classe A)

e-ISSN: 2421-4574, 11 pp. (Double Blind Peer Review).


57) Il Legno per l’Architettura Lieve

Gangemi Editore, Roma 2018.

ISBN 978-88-492-3682-8, 192 pp.


56) Tecnologia EC per il recupero funzionale dell’aula esercitazioni nell’Istituto di Genetica di Enrico Mandolesi

(with Daniela Ludoni, Roberto Innamorati, Luca Manca), Proceedings conference: Colloqui.At.e, Edilizia circolare tra Recupero/Riqualificazione e Rinnovo/ Rigenerazione Urbana e Architettonica, 2018, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (I), 2018.

ISBN. 978-88-96386-74-3, 11 pp. (Blind Peer Review).


55) L’utilizzo di vetrate elettrocromiche per il comfort termico interno in clima mediterraneo

(with Andrea Frattolillo, Roberto Innamorati, Luca Manca), Proceedings conference: Colloqui.At.e, Edilizia circolare tra Recupero/Riqualificazione e Rinnovo/ Rigenerazione Urbana e Architettonica, 2018, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (I), 2018.

ISBN. 978-88-96386-74-3, 11 pp. (Blind Peer Review).


54) La tenda di Adalberto Libera

Proceedings conference: Colloqui.At.e, Demolition and Reconstruction? 2017, G. Bernardini, E. Di Giuseppe, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (I) 2017.

ISBN. 978-88-96386-57-6, 12 pp. (Triple Blind Peer Review).


53) Towards a Smart Town Centre: an integrated approach of real and digital worlds

(with Federica Caboni, Angela Dettori, Ernestina Giudici), Proceedings conference: iTAis Conference, Verona (I) 2016.

ISBN 978-88-6856-102-4. pp. 61-72. (Double Blind Peer Review)


52) Electrochromic glass: testing in the Mediterranean area

On TeMA (scientific journal of ArTec), Vol 2, No 2 (2016), “The horizon of technical knowledge in Architecture”, Journal director Riccardo Gulli, Università di Bologna, Editor in chief Marco D'Orazio, Politecnica delle Marche, 2016.

ISSN: 2421-4574


51) Vetri elettrocromici: connessioni nei telai mobili

(with Gianluca Gatto), Proceedings conference: Colloqui.At.e, MATER(i)A 2016, A. Guida, A. Pagliuca, Gangemi, Roma (I) 2016.

ISBN 978-88-492-3311-7. pp. 341-350.


50) Electrochromic glass: four years testing

(with Daniela Ludoni), Proceedings conference: “41th IAHS World Congress on Housing (Sustainability and Innovation for the Future)”, A. Tadeu, D. Ural, O. Ural, V. Abrantes, Albufeira (P) 2016.

ISBN 978-989-98949-4-5. 9 pp..


49) Building heritage towards the future, through the energy efficiency

(with Daniela Ludoni), Proceedings conference: 5th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Green Lines Institute, Barcelos (P) 2016.

ISBN 978-989-8734-13-6. pp. 519-528.


48) Smart façades: declination with the electrochromic glass

(with Daniela Ludoni), Proceedings conference: Challenging Glass 5, J. Belis, F. Bos, C. Louter,Ghent University, Ghent (B) 2016.

ISBN 978-90-825-2680-6. pp.125-132.


47) Vetri elettrocromici: sperimentazione in ambito mediterraneo

Proceedings conference: Colloqui.AT.e 2015, C. Mazzoli, D. Prati, Maggioli, Bologna (I) 2015.

ISBN 88-9161-90-68. pp.107-116.


46) Advanced technology, quality and natural Materials efficiency in the Mediterranean Climate

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu, Eleonora Solinas), Proceedings conference: “40th IAHS World Congress on Housing (Sustainable Housing Construction)”, A. Tadeu, D. Ural, O. Ural, V. Abrantes, Funchal (P) 2014.

ISBN 978-989-98949-0-7. pp.1-10.


45) Application of sustainable technologies in the future of historic buildings: electrochromic glass

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Green Lines Institute, Barcelos (P) 2014.

ISBN 978-989-8734-05-1. pp. 335-346.


44) Performance and properties testing of Electrochromic glazing in Mediterranean Climate

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: “39th IAHS World Congress on Housing (Changing Needs, Adaptive Buildings, Smart Cities)”, Politecnico di Milano, Milano 2013.

ISBN 978-886-493-013-8. pp.509-516.


43) Electrochromic glass: behaviour and energy saving

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: "Glass Performance Days" “Glass Technology, Design and Sustainability”, Glass Performance Days and Glaston Finland Oy, Tampere (SF) 2013.

ISBN 978-952-5836-03-5, pp.128-132.


42) Behaviour of Electrochromic Glass in the Mediterrean Area

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: Challenging Glass 3, J. Belis, F. Bos, C. Louter, TU Delft, Delft (NL) 2012.

ISBN 978-1-61499-060-4. pp.957-970.


41) Technologies of the future for the re-use of the past: the electrochromic glass

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: 3th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Green Lines Institute, Barcelos (P) 2012.

ISBN 978-989-95671-5-3. Vol. 3, pp.1915-1925.


40) Multifunctional and Adaptive Architecture: Testing of Electrochromic Windows in the Mediterranean Climate

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: “38th IAHS World Congress on Housing (Visions for the Future of Housing, Mega Cities)”, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul (TR) 2012.

ISBN 978-975-561-417-5. pp.972-977.


39) Architettura e sostenibilità nel Mediterraneo

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: “Smart Tech & Smart Innovation, La strada per costruire il futuro (AICA 2011)”, Politecnico di Torino, Torino 2011.

ISBN 978-88-905-4064-6.


38) Experimenting and testing the use of electrochromic windows in the Mediterranean climate

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu, Maria Laura Pinna), Proceedings conference: "Glass Performance Days" “Glass and Solar in Sustainable Development”, Glass Performance Days and Glaston Finland Oy, Tampere (SF) 2011. ISBN 978-952-5836-02-8, pp.497-502.


37) Electrochromic glazing in Contemporary Architecture: examples of use and opportunities for the future

(con Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: “37th IAHS World Congress on Housing (Design, Technology, Refurbishment and Management of Buildings)”, University of Cantabria, Santander (ES) 2010.

ISBN 978-84-693-6655-4.


36) Contemporary Sustainable architecture: knowledge, prospects and testing of EC windows

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: “Engineered transparency. International Conference at Glasstec, Düsseldorf (D) 2010.

ISBN 978-3-86780-177-5, pp.391-402.


35) Nuevos materiales y nuevas tecnologías para construcción: las vidrieras electrocromáticas

(with Daniela Ludoni, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), Proceedings conference: “Investigacion Aplicada a la Gestion de Edificacion (COIGE’10)”, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante (ES) 2010.

ISBN 978-84-693-3404-1, pp.664-683. (Scientific Review Commitee)


34) Typologies and materials in the architectural traditions of Sardinia

Proceedings conference: “Mandulavirágzási tudományos napok”, University of Pécs, Pécs (HU) 2010.

ISBN 978-963-06-8925-0, pp.9-15.


33) Intelligent glass and Energy savings

(with Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu), in Glass Tecnology International, Genn./Febbr. 2010.

ISSN 1126-8573, n° 1/2010, pp. 74-82.


30) Study addressing the performance of an electrochromic envelope in an office building in the Mediterranean climate

(with Natalino Mandas, Marco Pittaluga, Gian Piero Cossu, Luigi Fenu), Proceedings conference: "Glass Performance Days", Glass Performance Days and Glaston Finland Oy, Tampere (SF) 2009.

ISBN 978-952-5836-01-1, pp.267-273.


29) Gli Stazzi della Gallura

in "Architettura di base", Alinea, Firenze 2007.

ISBN 978-88-6055-176-4, pp.285-293.


Estratto Curriculum sulle ricerche relative ai Vetri Elettrocromici



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