Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


From 30 November 2019, Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari, SSD: 01/A5 Numerical Analysis - MAT/08 


Director of Cagliari INdAM Research Unit 

Contact person for the quality management system for the Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering

(1) 11/2016-11/2019, Assistant Professor in Numerical Analysis (Art. 24 c.3 Lett B Legge 240/10) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari, SSD: 01/A5 Numerical Analysis - MAT/08
(2) 04/2012-11/2016, Assistant Professor in Numerical Analysis (Art. 24 c.3 Lett A Legge 240/10) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari, SSD: 01/A5 Numerical Analysis - MAT/08
(3) 07/2010-04/2012, Research Fellow in Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Physics at the Dept. of Math. Science of the Politecnico of Turin (European project RESOLVE), SSD: 01/A5 Numerical Analysis - MAT/08 and 01/A4 Physical Mathematics - MAT/07
(4) 01/2009-06/2010, Research Fellow in Numerical Analysis at the Dept. of Math. and Comp. Science of the University of Basilicata, SSD: 01/A5 Numerical Analysis - MAT/08 and 01/A4 Physical Mathematics - MAT/07  

Ph.D. Degree in  “Mathematical Methods and Models for Dynamical Systems”  at the University of Basilicata. 
Thesis: “Weighted polynomial approximation and numerical treatment of Fredholm integral equations”. 
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Mastroianni


  • 19-15/02/2023 University of Belgrade, Serbia (Mobilità Erasmus + Staff Mobility for teaching MOSTA)
  • 1-18/03/2020  Instituto Superior Tecnico, Università di Lisboa, Portugal (Mobilità Giovani Ricercatori)
  • 1-9/09/2019 Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany (Mobilità Erasmus + Staff Mobility for teaching MOSTA)
  • 03-06/2017  Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisboa, Portugal
  • 09/2007-02/2008 Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany
  • 2006-2007-2008 Scuola estiva “Applied Analysis”, TU Chemnitz



  • Numerical solution of integral equations of the first and second kind
  • Numerical quadrature/cubature
  • Orthogonal polynomials
  • Inverse problems applied to Geophysics
  • Mathematical methods and models for vehicular traffic
  • Polynomial approximation in Hilbert space with weighted metric


  • Applied Mathematics for the Bachelor's degree in Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, 6 CFU
  • Numerical Computing: models, methods, and Algorithms for the Master's Degree in Land Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, 6 CFU
  • Numerical Algorithms for Engineering, 2 CFU   


  • 5-6/09/2022: Challenges in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Braga (Portugal)
  • 5-8/07/2022: Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory, and Numerical Analysis, Matera
  • 6-10/06/2022: Numerical Methods for Large Scale Problems, Belgrado (Serbia)
  • 8-12/11/2021: Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing, Luminy (France)
  • 6-10/09/2021: 5th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications, virtual conference
  • 30/08-3/09/2021: Congresso Nazionale SIMAI 2018, Parma
  • 16-18/01/2020: Multivariate Approximation: Theory and Applications, Perugia
  • 15-19/07/2019: Workshop on numerical solution of integral and differential equations, Danzica, Polonia
  • 15-21/06/2019: Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, Special stream “Approximation: methods, algorithms and applications", Le Castella, Isola di Capo Rizzuto
  • 27-29/05/2019: Recent advances in Scientific Computation, Santa Margherita di Pula, Cagliari
  • 4-6/09/2018: International Workshop on Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems, Cagliari.
  • 01-04/06/2016: 21st International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis,  Tartu (Estonia)
  • 22-24/10/2015: Fifth International Workshop on Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems, Lagos (Portugal)


  • 2023 INdAM-GNCS "Approssimazione e integrazione multivariata con applicazioni ad equazioni integrali". Role: participant
  • 2022-2024: Progetto Biennale FdS, annualità 2021 "Computational Methods and Networks in Civil Engineering". Role: participant
  • 2019-2021: Progetto biennale Ricerca di Base Regione Sardegna “Algoritmi e modelli per l’Imaging Science (AMIS)". Role: coordinator of a local unit
  • 2018-2020: Progetto Biennale FdS, annualità 2017 “Algorithms for Approximation with Applications [Acube]".  Role: principal investigator
  • 2022 INdAM-GNCS “Computational Methods for kernel-based approximation and its applications". Role: participant



CV updated on April 30, 2023


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