Department of Literature, Languages and Cultural Heritage

Full Professor of Film, Photography and Television (SDS L-ART/06) at the Department of Humanities, Laguage and Cultural Heritage of the University of Cagliari, Antioco Floris is also coordinator of the master's degree in multimedia production and head of the Interdepartmental Center for Digital Humanities DH.UNICA and of the department research centre for the education of film, audiovisual and media languages (Celcam). He is member of the editorial board of “L'avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes”, published in Italy by Il Mulino, and supervising editor of “GAME. The Italian Journal of Game Studies”.

His research interests have lately developed in three directions: films and propaganda in Nazi Germany, namely the works of documentarian Leni Riefenstahl; film production connected to Sardinia and identity-related issues in local cinema; film and media literacy aimed at professionals, as well as school and university students. With regard to these topics, he has joined several research projects.

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