Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente

Simona Distinto


04/10/2022 Full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry habilitation (valid until 04/10/2033)

From 29/04/2017 to date  Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry - Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy.

since 2012 Founder and Head of the Computer Aided Drug Design Group - Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy.

29/04/2014- 28/04/2017 Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry Type B - Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari

29/12/2011 - 28/04/2014 Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry Type A - Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari.

2010 - 2011 Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy -University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro – Italy. Course: Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Toxicology II.

2009 - 2011 Young Researcher FIRB-IDEAS - at University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro -Italy. Project: New drugs for targeted anticancer therapy.

2008-2010 Senior Research Scientist Inte:Ligand Software Enwicklungs & Consulting Austria.

2008-2009 Researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Innsbruck.

2006-2008 Post-Doctoral Fellow in Computational Chemistry at the Computational Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory, University “Magna Graecia”- Catanzaro (6 months) and Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) Group - University of Innsbruck- (18 months).

24/02/2006 Ph.D Thesis defence. Thesis Title: Design, synthesis and study of biological activity of new monoamine oxidase inhibitors and new anti-Candida compounds. 

2003 Scholarship of the European Program "IN TIME 36" - Stage at Athlone Laboratories-Ireland (6 months).

2003-2006 Ph.D. in Technology and Legislation of Drugs and Bioactive Molecules at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Cagliari.

19/07/2002 Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology "Cum laude" -University of Cagliari. Thesis Title: Synthesis and study of the biological activity of new phthalhydrazothiazole and Phthalhydrazothiazolinone derivatives. 


Since July 2021 deputy director of the department of Life and Environmental Sciences;

From 2019-2022   coordinator of PhD course in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences;

Since 2019 to date member of Council, Resources and Seminar Commission  of the Department;

Since 2017 to date member of the PhD board of PhD course in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences;

Since 2012 to date - senior scientist member of the Paul Ehrlich MedChem Euro-PhD Network;

Since 2006 to date - member of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society.

Updated the 24/05/2023

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