Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell’ambiente

Current employment: Full Professor of Anthropology at the University of Cagliari, member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Anthropological Association (AAI).

Training and career. Degree in Biological Sciences (21/11/91), Degree in Natural Sciences (4/3/93), Qualification to the Profession of Biologist (1993), PhD in Anthropological Sciences, (1997), collaboration contract with the University of Cagliari (1997-98), post-doctoral scholarship for Anthropological Sciences (1999-2000) Research projects. Participated in the following research projects: - PIC-INTERREG I of the EU: Comparative anthropology applied to the Corsican population and to some populations of the Mediterranean basin. (1993-1996) Coordinators: Prof. Giuseppe Vona (Univ. Cagliari) and Prof. Laurent Varesi (Univ. Corte) - PIC-INTERREG II of the E.U. (1998-1999): Anthropological characterization of Corsican and Sardinian populations. Responsible: Prof. Giuseppe Vona and Prof. Laurent Varesi. - PIC-INTERREG III of the U.E (2000-06) of the U.E.: Anthropological characterization of the Sardinian, Corsican and Tuscan populations. Scientific manager. Prof. G. Vona. - BANCO DI SARDEGNA FOUNDATION "Simultaneous evaluation of genetic and biochemical markers involved in the onset of cardiovascular diseases" (2006-2007). Head of Prof. Dessì - PRIN MURST. (1998/99). Dynamics of anthropo-genetic variability in a population subjected to epidemic stress: the Alia case (Sicily, Italy). Scientific responsible: Prof. G. Vona. - PRIN MURST (2000/01) Anthropogenic variation in some populations of the Western Mediterranean. Scientific Responsible: Prof. G. Vona. - PRIN MIUR (2004) Evolution of the biodemographic characteristics of Sardinian recruits over the course of a century: 1880-1980. Local scientific director Prof. A. M. Gatti. - PRIN MIUR (2007): Isolating the isolates. Case study 3. Sardinian populations. Local coordinator: Prof. G. Vona - CNR 95.01717.CT10. (1997-1999) Evolution of the biodemographic structure of the population of Sardinia. Responsible: Prof. G. Vona. - Integrated actions Italy-Spain IT231, (2000-2001). Molecular variation of genes involved in the production of nitric oxide in the Mediterranean: population and epidemiological perspective. Head Prof. G. Vona. - Autonomous Region of Sardinia (2005): "Research on the potential role of genetic molecular and morpho-functional factors in sports performance. - Sardinia Autonomous Region LR7 "High resolution analysis of the variability of the human Y chromosome in Sardinia" resp. scientific prof. Paolo Francalacci (Univ. Sassari). 2011-2012 ? GENO 2.0 Scientific Grants “A focused strategy to unveil the genetic affinities of the Italians” funded by the National Geographic Society -. Scientific Director Sergio Tofanelli (Univ. Pisa) Scientific project manager - Sardinia Autonomous Region LR 17 art 40, 2008 Analysis of ACTN3 gene polymorphism in elite athletes. - Sardinia Autonomous Region LR 17 art 40, 2009. ACTN3 and elite footballers. - PRIN MIUR (2009). Human biodiversity in Sardinia: analysis of isolated populations. (Local Manager) - PRIN 2020. Crossing the Sea: ancient and modern human genomes to study the evolutionary dynamics of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica Research interests and scientometrics.

His main research interests concern the genetics of human populations, in particular the human variability of isolated populations through the study of uniparental markers (mtDNA and Y chromosome). Furthermore, he has recently been dealing with complex genotype/phenotype associations with particular reference to sports performance and the predisposition towards muscle-tendon injuries. CC is author or co-author of 120 articles in refereed scientific journals and currently has an H index of 23, and approximately 1742 citations (source: Scopus, December 2022). Associations. Member of the Italian Anthropological Association

Editorial activities and assignments. - Scientific research in Sport Sciences published in the Reports of the Seminar of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cagliari. Supplement to volume LXXV, 2005 - Human Genetic Isolates. Published by Research Signpost, Kerala (India); 2006. ISBN 81-308-0117-5. - Proceedings of the XVII AAI Congress, published by International Journal of Anthropology (ISSN: 0393-9383), 2008 ? Biomedical insights of human genetic diversity in Complex Diseases. In BioMed Research International, Vol. 2015; 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/974809 She has been a reviewer for numerous international journals (American Journal of Human Biology, Homo, Electrophoresis., ...). Teaching activity (at the University of Cagliari). a.y. 2002/03- 06/07 Bioinformatics for the degree course in Applied Bioecology a.y. 2002/03-07/08 Anthropometry for the Master's Degree in Sport Sciences and Techniques. a.y. 2008/09 Anthropometry for the course of Biology and Anthropology for the Degree in Motor and Sports Technical Sciences. a.y. 2003/04-08/09 Paleoanthropology Laboratory for the Master's Degree in Natural Environment Detector, a.y. 2006/07 Biostatistics for the master's degree course in Experimental and Applied Biology a.y. 2006/07-09/10 Molecular Anthropology for the master's degree course in Experimental and Applied Biology a.y. 2006/07-09/10 Laboratory of Biology and Ecology of Human Populations for the master's degree course in Experimental and Applied Biology. ay..2008/09 09/10 Anthropometry for the Motor Science degree course From a.y. 2007/08 Anthropology for the Master's Degree in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities. a.y. 2011/2012-12/13 Bioinformatics at the Degree Course in Industrial Biotechnology From a.y. 2010/11 to date Molecular Anthropology for the master's degree course in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Neuropsychobiology From a.y. 2017/18: Anthropology for the degree course in Motor and Sports Activity Sciences From a.y. 2019/20: Variability of the human genome for the Biology degree course From 2021-22 academic year: Bioinformatics for the CdLM BCM: Advanced Cellular Studies Evaluation activity. she was GAV manager and drafted the RAV for the degree course in Motor Sciences (academic year 2007/08-08/09-10/11). Quality coordinator for the degree course in Sciences and techniques of Motor, Preventive and Adapted Activities a.y. 2012/13 – 14/15.

Currently: Quality Coordinator for the CLM Cellular and Molecular Biology and Quality Coordinator for the CL Motor and Sports Activity Sciences and Motor Activities

Coordinator of the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy Orientation Commission

Updated 12/23/2022

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