Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health

Updated to June 2021


Dr Caocci is author or co-author of 300 international publications listed in Pubmed and in the "research" section of this web page

Ongoing job position: 

Associate Professor in Hematology at the Dipartimento di Scienze mediche e Sanità Pubblica, Università di Cagliari and Consultant at Ematologia-Centro Trapianti Midollo Osseo, Azienda Ospedaliera Brotzu, Ospedale Businco, Via Jenner s.n., 09124 Cagliari (Italy)

Number of Medical Council: Cagliari-8732

Academic titles

2021-            National application (ASN 2018) for Full Professor in Hematology

2019-            Chairman of Residency in Hematology of University of Cagliari

2018-            Associate Professor in Hematology, Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health, University of Cagliari

2011            National application (ASN 2016) for Associate Professor in Hematology

2003            Degree in Psychology, Work and Organizations course, achieved at the Universit of Cagliari – 110 out of 110 summa cum laude –Thesis title “An humanization of hospital structures: the sterile room issue” (July, 3rd, 2003)

1997              Specialization in Haematology achieved at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery with full marks and honours – Thesis title “HLA system and chronic HCV Hepatitis” – (December, 11th, 1997)

1992             Degree in Medicine and Surgery achieved at the University of Cagliari with full marks and honours – Thesis title: “Manometric oesophageal alterations in patients affected by Wilson disease” – (March, 20th, 1992)

1985              High School Diploma achieved at the Scientific High School “E. Fermi” (Nuoro) – 60 out of 60.


Educational activity at university and / or for institutions in Italy or abroad. 

2018-today Teacher in Clinical Communication,   Faculty of Medicine, University of Cagliari

2014-today  Teacher in the “Blood Diseases”,  Faculty of Medicine, University of Cagliari

2013-           Teacher in the “Blood Diseases”,  School of Specialization of Medical Genetics, University of Cagliari

2013-            Teacher in the PhD school “Environmental Science and Engineering and Innovation Science and Technology, University of Cagliari

2013-           Teacher in the “Blood Diseases”,  Biomedical Laboratory Degree , University of Cagliari

2012-           Teacher in the “Blood Diseases”,  School of Specialization in Oncology, University of Cagliari

2012-           Teacher in the “Blood Diseases”,  School of Specialization in Hematology, University of Cagliari

2011-           Teacher in the “Blood Diseases”,  School of Specialization in Clinical Pathology, University of Cagliari

2011-            Researcher for the Chair of Haematology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Cagliari

2008            Haematology subject expert for the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Cagliari in charge of auxiliary educational activity in Haematology courses.

2009            Tutoring international activity in the international cooperation project on bone marrow transplantation promoted by the I.M.E. (Mediterranean Institute of Hematology – Rome) and the Italian Foreign Ministry, provided to doctors coming from Kurdistan in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Centre of the Hospital Binaghi (Cagliari).


Training and research activities in Italian public organizations and abroad 

2013           Observer at the Leukemia Department, Anderson Cancer Center (Prof. Cortes MD), University of Texas, Houston, Texas (USA), 7-22 Sept 2013

2012           Full registration as Medical Practitioner at the General Medical Council of United Kingdom, 28/09/2012-28/09/2013

2012           Honorary Contract at the Department of Haematology, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London (1 Oct-31 Dec 2012)

2010           Advanced course about Myelodysplasia in the Department of Leukemia, Anderson Cancer Center (Prof. Garcia-Manero MD), University of Texas, Houston, Texas (USA).

1996           Practical training course in Diagnostic with Ultrasounds in the Institute of Medical Clinic, Ultrasounds Diagnostic of the General University Hospital “A. Gemelli”, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome.

1988           Visiting student in the Department of Pathology (Prof. Rao), University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburg (Pennsylvania), USA.


I conducted the following clinical research according to GCP:

Projects carried out as Scientific Coordinator 

2021-2023    Assegno di Ricerca della durata di 36 mesi Prot. n.155342 del 19.07.2021 AREA 06 - Scienze mediche - S.C.06/D3 Malattie del sangue, oncologia e reumatologia - S.S.D. MED/15 - Progetto: "Cura olistica della persona con porpora trombotica trombocitopenica" - Responsabile Scientifico: Prof. Giovanni Caocci. Grant Sanofy euro 71.361

2018-2020           Scientific coordinator of the research project LR7/2017 Quality of life in Talassemia after transplantation: grant euro 110.000

2019-2024           Scientific coordinator of the research project Patient-Reported Outcomes in PHiladelphia-nEgative Cytogenetic mYeloproliferative neoplasms (PROPHECY). A GIMEMA observational registry for Italian MPN patients, grant euro 300.000

2005-11    Scientific coordinator of the research project “Mathematical predictive models of reaction to bone marrow transplantation (Graft Versus Host Disease): the neural network”, carried out in cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

2004-11    Scientific coordinator of the study “Bone marrow transplantation in a cohort of thalassemic patients coming from Middle East and developing countries: quality of life, communication and ethical issues. Paternalistic attitude and autonomy principle”, carried out in cooperation with the Institute San Raffaele of Milan.

2004-2010 Scientific coordinator of research topics in the field of the “Quality of Life in haematological patients” related to the communication of diagnosis, to the setting of the physician-patient relations and the quality of life in onco-haematological patients.

Projects carried out as Scientific Co-operator

2017-18        European Organization for Research and Treatment for Cancer (EORTC) e Department fur Psychiatrie, Psychoterapie und Psychosomatik Medizinishe Universitat Innsbruck sul progetto di ricerca: "Development of threshold for the EORTC QLQ C-30 and the EORT CAT measures to enable thei use for sympthom screening in daily clinical practice

2017-19        Dana-Farber Cancer Institute - Department of Medical Oncology, nel progetto di ricerca: "Validation of a Disease-Specific Measure for Quality of Life in Patients with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome (QUALMS)

 2017-19       European Organization for Research and Treatment for Cancer (EORTC) sul progetto di ricerca: "Patient reported outcomes in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: development of questionnaire EORTC QLQ-CML-24

2015-19        European Organization for Research and Treatment for Cancer (EORTC) sul progetto di ricerca: "International development of four EORTC disease specific quality of life questionnaires for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma, high and low grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

2013             Research staff member at Division 2. Fundamental Research Projects on specific areas of regional interest funded under the Regional Law Nr. 7/2007, Tender nr. 13, year 2013. Project title: “Quality of life at the end of life: a survey in the Sardinian territory”. Coordinator: Prof D’Aloja Ernesto, Department of Public Health, University of Cagliari. Total funding: €250,000

2012             Research staff member at Division 2, PRIN 2012. Project Title: “Are thyroid cancer and thyroid autoimmunity related? A clinical, molecular, immunological and cellular approach”. Principal Investigator: Prof. Stefano Mariotti, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Cagliari. Total funding €560,897

2012             Research staff member at Division 2. Fundamental or basic research projects for the promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia, year 2012, funded under the Regional Law 7/2007. Research project Title: “NANOTOXSTAMOD”. Total funding: 300,000 Euros (132,940)

2007-11      Scientific co-operator in the biological and clinical research project “Genomic parameters related to the curative effect of the allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation”, funded by the Fondazione Cariplo and carried out in cooperation with the Immunogenetics Centre of the Fondazione S. Raffaele del Monte Tabor of Milan. Research activity with Groups of National and International Cooperation for the treatment of Leukemias, Lymphomas, Myeloma and for the application of new transplantation protocols (GIMEMA, GITMO, EBMT).

 2007-11        Scientific co-operator in the regional research project LR 7/8/2007: “Study on the susceptibility to myelodysplasias in the population living in Sardinia through the genome wide analysis”, carried out in cooperation with the University of Sassari, Microsurgical Department, Haematology Unit.

 2005-07        Scientific co-operator in the biological and clinical research project “Transplantation from unrelated donor in thalassemic patients: study on the role of the polymorphism of the HLA-G gene and the genotype of the promoter IL10, in order to reduce the mortality risks related to transplantation and increase the pool of patients treatable with transplantation” funded by the IME (Mediterranean Institute of Haematology) Foundation of Rome and by the Foreign Ministry.

 2002-05        Scientific co-operator in the research and health education project “Study on the role of HLA non-classical antigens (HLA-G, E, F) and other genetic polymorphisms (KIR genes) involved in the immunitary response, in order to reduce mortality risks in unrelated donor transplantation in high-risk thalassemic patients” funded by the Assessorato alla Sanità della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (12045/00 UPB S12.023).

Research activity in clinical and biological experimental protocols, approved by the Ethical Committee of the ASL 8 of Cagliari as Principal Investigator (PI):

2023            Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo Registro per l’evidenza scientifica reale della malattia da agglutinine fredde (CADENCE registry). Sponsor SANOFI

2022            Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Studio retrospettivo, osservazionale in risposta al trattamento di Caplacizumab nei pazienti con aTTP: l'esperienza italiana (ROSCAPLI)”. Sponsor Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS

2022            Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Utilizzo di Ravulizumab secondo pratica clinica in pazienti italiani affetti da emoglobinuria parossistica notturna: uno studio di coorte multicentrico, osservazionale, retrospettivo e prospettico (REACTION). Sponsor Alexion

2022            Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Studio interventistico di fase II, prospettico, multicentrico, in pazienti affetti da leucemia mieloide acuta secondaria a neoplasie mieloproliferative non eleggibili per chemioterapia intensiva, per valutare una terapia di combinazione con decitabina e venetoclax. ENABLE” Sponsor Università di Bologna. Sponsor GIMEMA

2021-           Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Aderenza a Ruxolitinib nella Mielofibrosi e nella Policitemia Vera Ruxolitinib_RAMP” Sponsor Università di Bologna

2021-           Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Qualità della vita nei pazienti affetti da Piastrinopenia autoimmune in confronto con una popolazione sana: studio osservazionale monocentrico”; Sponsor: ARNAS Brotzu, Cagliari2020-oggi    Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Valutazione retrospettiva di efficacia e sicurezza di Eritropoietina biosimilare in pazienti con Sindrome Mielodisplastica (SMD)”. Promotore/Sponsor: Ematologia Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Sassari

2020-oggi    Principal Investigator nel protocollo sperimentale clinico e biologico, approvato dal Comitato Etico di Cagliari, dal titolo “Studio osservazionale in pazienti con mastocitosi

2020            Studio osservazionale in pazienti con mastocitosi sistemica avanzata trattati con midostaurina in Italia – Studio OVIDIO”. Promotor/Sponsor: Novartis

2020            Caratteristiche cliniche e laboratoristiche della Policitemia Vera. Codice Protocollo: PV-ARC. Promotore/Sponsor: Unità Operativa di Ematologia-Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi

2020-           Monitorare i sintomi riportati dai Pazienti con leucemia mieloide cronica per migliorare l’aderenza alla terapia e la risposta al trattamento: lo studio pilota EMPATHY”. Promotor/Sponsor: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

2019-           A phase II, single-arm, multicenter study of full treatmentfree remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase treated with nilotinib in first-line therapy who have achieved a sustained deep molecular response for at least 1 year: DANTE study. Sponsor: NOVARTIS

2019            Studio osservazionale sul trattamento con Iclusig® (Ponatinib) di pazienti con Leucemia Mieloide Cronica (LMC) in Italia” INCB-ITMA-CML-401. Sponsor: INCYTE

2018-           An International Multi-Centric Observational Study on the Use of Ruxolitinib in the Treatment of Patients with Polycythemia Vera resistant or intolerant to hydroxyurea” CINC424BIC04. Sponsor: NOVARTIS

2018-           Prospective FLOW-cytometry Evaluation of circulating Residual leukemic Stem cells in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia patients during TKI treatment (prospective FLOWERS study). Valutazione prospettica citofluorimetrica delle cellule staminali leucemiche circolanti residue nei pazienti affetti da leucemia mieloide cronica in trattamento con inibitori delle tirosinochinasi(FLOWERS)-Codice identificativo: AIRC IG 20133. Sponsor: Università di Siena

2017            CML0916. An international field study for the reliability and validity of the Phase IV EORTC Quality of Life module for patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (EORTC QLQ-CML24): Sponsor GIMEMAProtocol CML0916. An international field study for the reliability and validity of the Phase IV EORTC Quality of Life module for patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (EORTC QLQ-CML24): Sponsor GIMEMA

2017            Protocol: An international field study for the reliability and validity of the Phase IV EORTC Quality of Life modules for patients with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (EORTC QLQ-HL27), high-grade non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (EORTC QLQ-NHL-HG29), low-grade non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (EORTC QLQ-NHL-LG20), and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (EORTC QLQ-CLL17). Sponso: EORTC

2017            protocol: Development of thresholds for the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the EORTC CAT measures to enable their use for symptom screening in daily clinical practice. Sponsor: Medical Univesity of Innsbruck Depsrtment of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic

2016            Protocol: "Registro epidemiologico della LMC nella Regione Sardegna – Studio LMC-Res". Sponsor: Rete ematologica sarda - GIMEMA 

2014            Protocol CAMN107EIC01. Phase IIIb, multicentre, open-label study of nilotinib in adult patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia- and/or BCR-ABL positive CML in chronic phase". Sponsor: NOVARTIS, Basilea, Switzerland

2014            Protocol AMN107AIC05. A prospective, randomized, open label two arm Phase III study to evaluate treatment free remission (TFR) rate in patients with Philadelphia-positive CML after two different durations of consolidation treatment with nilotinib 300mg BID. Sponsor: Novartis

2015             Protocol “Prognostic significance and longitudinal assessment of patient-reported outcomes in myelodysplastic syndromes (PROMYS): PROMYS INTERNATIONAL REGISTRY”. Sponsor:GIMEMA

2014           Protocol QoL-CML0713. Mid to Long-term Quality of Life Effects Of imatiNIb versus DASatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients (LEONIDAS). Sponsor: GIMEMA

2014              Protocol AMN107AIC05. A prospective, randomized, open label two arm Phase III study to evaluate treatment free remission (TFR) rate in patients with Philadelphia-positive CML after two different durations of consolidation treatment with nilotinib 300mg BID. Sponsor: Novartis.

2014             Protocol Validation of a Myelodysplasia-Specific Measure of Quality of Life (QUALMS). Sponsor GIMEMA.

2013              Protocol CAMN107CIC03. An observational, open-label, multi-center, prospective follow-up study of patients with chronic phase CML treated with nilotinib in the ENEST1st study . Sponsor Novartis.

2011              Protocol Compassionate-INC424. INC 424 (Ruxolitinib) for compassionate use in patients with MF. Sponsor: Novartis

2011              Protocol Eqol-MDS-1. Eltrombopag for the treatment of thrombocytopenia due to low and intermediate risk myelodysplastic syndromes (EQol-MDS). Sponsor: Azienda Ospedaliera Bianchi-Melacrino-Morelli, Reggio Calabria

2010              Protocol CC-5013-MDS-005. Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, study to compare the efficacy and safety of Lenalidomide (Revlimid®) versus placebo in subjects with transfusion-dependent anemia due to IPSS low or intermediate-1 risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Without Deletion 5q[31] and unresponsive or refractory to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Sponsor: CELGENE, New Jersey, USA.

2010              Protocol CAMN107EIC01. Phase IIIb, multicentre, open-label study of nilotinib in adult patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia- and/or BCR-ABL positive CML in chronic phase. Sponsor: NOVARTIS, Basilea, Switzerland.

2010              Protocol GIMEMA QoL CML0310. Patient reported outcomes in chronic myeloid leukemia. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2010              Protocol NIPMS-Celgene-MDS-ITA-002. Observational, non-interventional, multicentric study with a retrospective and prospective integration of the data of the Register 648/96 on the use of lenalidomide (Revlimid®) in anaemic transfusion-dependent patients affected by low or intermediate-1 risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome with a 5q deletion associated or not to other chromosomal abnormalities – “MOnitoraggio REvlimid” – “MORE Study”. Sponsor: CELGENE, New Jersey, USA

2009              Protocol GIMEMA MDS 0108. Prognostics significance and longitudinal assessment of patient-reported quality of life and symptoms in high-risk myelodysplastics syndromes. A large-scale international, observational study. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

Research activity in clinical and biological experimental protocols, approved by the Ethical Committee of the ASL 8 of Cagliari as Co-Investigator:

 2016           Protocol CML-1415 “Remissione sostenuta senza trattamento nella leucemia mieloide cronica BCR-ABL+: uno studio prospettico che confronta Nilotinib versus Imatinib con passaggio a Nilotinib in assenza di risposta ottimale”. Sponsor GIMEMA

2015            Protocol “Prognostic significance and longitudinal assessment of patient-reported outcomes in myelodysplastic syndromes (PROMYS): PROMYS INTERNATIONAL REGISTRY”. Sponsor:GIMEMA 

2013         Protocol CC-486-AML-001. A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Compare Efficacy and Safety of Oral Azacitidine Plus Best Supportive Care Versus Best Supportive Care as Maintenance Therapy in Subjects with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in Complete Remission. Sponsor Celgene

2012           Protocol CINC424A2401. An open-label, multicenter, expanded access study of INC424 for patients with primary myelofibrosis (PMF) or post polycythemia myelofibrosis (PPV MF) or postessential thrombocythemia myelofibrosis (PET-MF). Sponsor: Novartis

2012             Protocol Observational study of quality of life in Thalassemia patients underwent bone marrow transplantation. Sponsor: CTMO Ospedale Binaghi.

2011              Protocol MDS Aza?Transplant. A open label, phase 2, non randomized, multicentre trial to assess the feasibility of induction treatment with 5?Azacitidine (5?AZA) followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo?SCT) or continued 5?AZA treatment in patients without a suitable ?sibling or unrelated? stem cell donor with IPSS Int2/High risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Sponsor: Consorzio Mario Negri Sud (CMNS)

2010              Protocol GIMEMA LAL1509. A multicenter total therapy strategy for de novo adult Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) patients. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2008              Protocol GIMEMA APL 0406. Randomized phase III study to compare Arsenic Trioxide (ATO) combined with ATRA and chemotherapy with anthracycline (AIDA) to be used for newly diagnosed not high risk acute promyelocytic leukemias. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2008              Protocol GIMEMA MDS 0306. Multicentric open study to evaluate the security, tolerability and effectiveness of Deferasirox (ICL 670) in patients affected by Myelodysplastic Syndrome with chronic transfusional Hemosiderosis. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2007              Protocol GIMEMA LAL 1205. Multicentric phase II study on de novo treatment of Ph positive lymphoblastic acute leukemia with BMS-354825 protein kinase inhibitor. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2007              Protocol GIMEMA LAL 0904. Prospective phase II study on the adult Lymphoblastic Acute Leukemia treatment: imatinib combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of Ph positive forms. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2007              Protocol Allotreo Thalassemia. Clinical multicentric phase II study to evaluate the security and effectiveness of the Treosulfan drug in the preparation therapy for allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients affected by Thalassemia Major. Sponsor: IRSS San Raffaele, Milano.

2007              Protocol Allotreo Emato-oncologia. Clinical multicentric phase II study to evaluate the security and effectiveness of the Treosulfan drug in the preparation therapy for allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients affected by haematological malignancies. Sponsor: IRSS San Raffaele, Milano.

2006              Protocol GIMEMA AML19. Gentuzumab Ozogamicin monotherapy vs. supportive care in elderly non-treated patients affected by Acute Myeloid Leukaemia untreatable with intensive chemotherapy: a randomized phase II trial. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

2006              Protocol GIMEMA AML17. Gentuzumab Ozogamicin combined with induction-consolidation standard chemotherapy in 61-75 year old patients affected by Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: a randomized phase II trial. Sponsor: Gruppo Italiano Malattie Ematologiche dell’Adulto.

Clinical activity

2011-         Researcher in hematology cooperating with the Bone Marrow Transplantation Centre of the Hospital “Binaghi”, ASL 8 (Cagliari)

2000-10     Attending Haematology physician in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Centre of the Hospital “Binaghi”, ASL 8 (Cagliari)

2000-10    Clinical care on patients affected by all the kinds of onco-haematological diseases, congenital and acquired anaemias in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Centre of the Hospital “Binaghi”, ASL 8 (Cagliari)

2000-10      Carrying out of over 3500 internist-haematological ultrasounds in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Centre of the Hospital “Binaghi”, ASL 8 (Cagliari)

1998-00     Physician assistant in the Medicine Ward of the General Hospital S. Elena (Cagliari). Cooperation in the computerization of patients’ medical reports and organization of a newly created ward.

1998-00     Carrying out of over 2000 internist ultrasounds in the Medicine Ward of the General Hospital S. Elena (Cagliari).

1998           National Diploma of Clinical Ultrasound. Società italiana di Ultrasonologia (SIUMB).

1994-97      Internal Physician in the wards of the Medical Clinic of the University of Cagliari. Care of patients affected by internal diseases, especially haematological and hereditary congenital hepatological ones.

1993-94      Medical Lieutenant and medical direction of the local infirmary during military service.

1988-92      Internal student in the II Medical Clinic of the University of Cagliari, Gastroenterology Department


Organization, direction and coordination of national and international research groups:

Prof. Caocci has been the Co-Chairman of the Working Group on Quality of Life (QoL-WG) and of the Italian Group of Haematological Diseases (GIMEMA), directed by Prof. Mandelli – Rome – (coordinator of over 120 Italian haematological centres carrying out research experimental protocols relating the issue of quality of life in haematological patients) since 2010. The QoL-WG also cooperates with European Cancer Research Centres, such as EORTC, and has presented several scientific communications in international congresses on onco-haematology (ASH, EHA, ASCO) so far. 

2010 –  today          Co-Chairman of the Working Group on Quality of Life (QoL-WG) and of the the Italian Group of Haematological Diseases (GIMEMA).

Attendance as Speaker in national and international congresses

Prof. Caocci has presented several reports in English in international and national congresses of Haematology. 


Reports in international congresses:

 “Critical points in diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of MDS” and “QoL: the value of Promys registry” in: Bridge Educational Meeting on HR-MDS and AML 20-30% blasts. 12 Ottobre 2016, Cagliari, Italy

“Stem cell in thalassemia”. In: 11th International workshop on Neonatology, Cagliari, 7 ottobre 2015

“Patient and physician concordance in treatment decision and health status evaluation in patients with higher-risk myelodysplasic syndromes” in: European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME) annual congress, Cagliari, 19 Sep 2015

“Accuracy of physician assessment of treatment preferences and health status in patients with higher-risk MDS syndromes” in: 20th Annual congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA), Vienna, 12 June 2015

“Homozygosity for Killer Immunoglobin-like Receptor (KIR) Haplotype a Is Associated to Negative Interim Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and a Favourable Outcome in Hodgkin Lymphoma” in: 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), San Francisco,(CA), USA. 7 Dec 2014.

“Long term quality of life after more than 20 years after HSCT in thalassemia” in: European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) 40° meeting 2014. Milano (IT), 1 Apr 2014

“Transplant issues in thalassemia” in: 8th Patient, Family & Donor Day. Milano (IT), 29 Mar 2014

“Quality of life in thalassemia patients twenty years after transplantation: long term outcome and return to normal lifestyle” in: European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) 39° meeting 2013. London (GB), 10 Apr 2013

“Tools predicting HSCT Outcome” Teaching Session in: 25th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference. Prague, 6 may 2011

“Longitudinal assessment of health-related quality of life and healthcare satisfaction after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with thalassaemia” in: European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) 37 meeting 2010. Vienna (Austria), 24 March 2010

“Unrelated bone marrow transplantation in talassemia”. An international course given by: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Uniwersitytet Jagiellonska, Krakow and Universitá degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari. Medical Development in Europe: winter module, Cagliari, 11 January 2009.

“Bias in physician-patient communication during informed consent for unrelated HSCT in adult thalassaemia patients” in: European Bone Marrow Transplantation EBMT meeting 2008. Florence (Italy), 31 March 2008.

Prof Caocci has given more than 100 Reports in national congresses

Membership in Scientific Societies

2020-           Member of the American Society of Hematology

2008-10        Member of the Italian Bone Marrow Transplant Group (GITMO).


Questionnaire and social

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