Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, ambientale e architettura

Assistant Professor RTD-A (junior researcher) of Architectural Conservation at University of Cagliari, Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture  


Ph.D. (2017) in Technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, at University of Cagliari. Ph.D. dissertation: "Fortified Architectures in Southern Sardinia. Chrono-types of masonry techniques", mentors Prof. C.Giannattasio, Prof. S.M. Grillo. 

Master Degree (2011) in "Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage” at University of Cagliari, Faculty of Architecture and Engigneering. Thesis "Contemporaneity reveals the Past. The Basilica of San Saturnino in Cagliari", mentor Prof. C. Giannattasio.

Bachelor's degree (2006) in “Technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage” At University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engigneering. Thesis “The Stampace quarter in Cagliari. From architectural survey and analysis to urban restoration project”, mentor Prof. C. Giannattasio.


P.I. of the Research Unity of the Univ. of Cagliari of the PRIN PLanETs - Production Landscapes through Energy Transitions: Industrial heritage preservation, socio-political processes and potential reuse in Lombardy, Sardinia, and Calabria With O.C. Tiganea (P. I. of the project - Pol. of Milan ) and N. Sulfaro (P.I. - Univ. Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria). 


Research activity lies in the fields of theory and history of conservation and of knowledge and analyses of cultural heritage. In particular it is aimed at development of specific knowledge paths in the study of historical cities, decomitted urban buildings, medieval architectures and abandoned villages. Moreover, investigations concern masonry tecnhiques, vaults and domes, materials and decays of cultural heritage, reuse and accessibility in restoration designs. 


> Lecturer of the courses: 

Theory and History of Restoration” with C. Giannattasio at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bachelor's Degree in Architectural Sciences. Third year, first semester, SSD ICAR/19.

Preservation of historical landscape” at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Master's Degree in Architecture, curriculum "Historical Architecture and Project". Second year, first semester, SSD ICAR/19.

Integrated Laboratory of Design and Restoration (mod. Restoration)” at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Master's Degree in Architecture, curriculum "Historical Architecture and Project". Second year, second semester, SSD ICAR/19.

last update: September 2023

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