Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia

Curriculum Vitae 


Pietro Salis

University of Cagliari

Department of Education, Psicology, Philosophy

E-mail address  pietromsalis (at) gmail.com   psalis (at) unica.it


Academia.edu: http://wwwunica.academia.edu/PietroSalis

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pietro_Salis

PhilPapers: http://philpapers.org/profile/3716

Linguistica-Mente: http://people.unica.it/linguisticamente/il-gruppo/

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6973-1440

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=ZYVi7IEAAAAJ&hl=it

Personal profile

Research areas:

Philosophy of language

Philosophy of mind


Research interests:

Belief; Brandom’s inferentialism; Concepts; Deflationist theories of truth; Enactivism; Expressivism; Foundations of cognitive science; Normativity; Metaphysics of chance and coincidences; Philosophy of perception; Semantic and epistemological holism.


(2001) Degree in Philosophy (110/110 cum laude) (University of Cagliari - Italy). Dissertation: A criticism of epistemological foundationalism: democracy and philosophy in Richard Rorty.

(2006) PhD in Philosophy (University of Cagliari - Italy). Dissertation: “Concepts, Inferences, Representations”.

(2009) MA in Philosophy of Mind (University of Warwick - UK). Dissertation: “Modal Inferences, Inferential Roles and Semantic Holism”.

(2010) International Summer School in “Cognitive Sciences and Semantics” (ISSCSS), held in Riga (Latvia) with title: “Analytic Pragmatism, Semantic Inferentialism, and Logical Expressivism” (University of Latvia – 19-29 of July 2010). 

(2012) Scuola di alta formazione filosofica SDAFF (High Training in Philosophy) University of Turin (14-18 of May 2012). Main guest: Thomas Metzinger (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies). Webpage (and program): http://sdaff.it/cicli/xi.ciclo.seminariale

Academic positions

Past roles:

Post-doctoral researcher in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Cagliari (June 2010-June 2012), (April 2014-October 2015), (February 2020-January 2021).

Post-doctoral researcher in Philosophy of Language, University of Cagliari (May 2017-May 2018).

Researcher, Theoretical Philosophy, University of Cagliari (2021-2024).

Current position:

Associate Professor, Theoretical Philosophy, University of Cagliari


(2024) (accepted) “Turner’s anti-normativism and natural norms”, Philosophy across boundaries. XXV World Congress of Philosophy, La Sapienza University, Rome, August 2nd 2024.

(2024) (invited) “Natural norms?” NAND Workshop (PRIN). University of Cagliari. June 19th 2024.

(2023) (accepted) “Turner’s Argument and the Normativity of Belief”, for the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 11), University of Vienna, August 22th 2023.

(2023) (invited) “Turner’s Anti-normativism, Sellars’ Double Normativity, and Belief”, for the international workshop “Normative Behavior in the Natural World”, University of Cagliari, June 15th 2023.

(2023) (invited) “Turner’s Argument and the Normativity of Belief”, for the international conference “Truth in Evaluation II”, Alghero, University of Sassari, June 13th 2023.

(2023) (accepted) “Turner’s Argument and the Normativity of Belief”, for the international workshop “Rules, Norms, and Reasons 2”, University of Milan, May 23th 2023.

(2022) (accepted) “Relocating Irreducibilities: On Turner’s Anti-normativism and its Implications”, talk delivered at the X SEFA Congress (Tenth Congress of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), December 16th 2022.

(2022) (invited) “Belief and truth. On Engel’s three theses”, for the seminars “The thin line between subjectivity and objectivity”, University of Cagliari, November 28th 2022.

(2022) (invited) Discussant for Francesca Ervas' talk “La vaccinazione come un alveare: metafora e ragionamento per una maggiore fiducia nelle istituzioni”, for the conference "Media, linguaggi, comunicazione: scenari del presente e del futuro", Cagliari, October 14th 2022.

(2022) (invited) “On Turner’s anti-normativism: some entailments on validity in the formal sciences”, talk delivered at the Workshop “New Perspectives in Logic and Philosophy of Sciences”, University of Cagliari, September 16th 2022.

(2022) (accepted) “Relocating Irreducibilities; On Turner’s Anti-normativism and its Implications”, talk delivered at the UNILOG 2022 Congress, Workshop “The Logic of Social Practices II”, Orthodox Academy of Crete, Greece, April 9th 2022.

(2022) (invited) “On Turner’s Anti-normativism and its Implications”, talk delivered at the ALOPHIS Seminars, University of Cagliari, march 17th 2022.

(2021) (accepted) “Relocating Irreducibilities: On Turner’s Anti-normativism on Reasons and Beliefs”, for the International Conference “Why and How We Give and Ask for Reasons. Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives”, University of Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic), October 21th 2021.

(2021) (accepted) “Addressing Discursive Pluralism. A Triple Parsimonious Unification” for the 14th Congress of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, University of Messina (Noto), September 24th 2021.

(2021) (accepted) (with Francesca Ervas and Rachele Fanari) “Metaphors and defeasible reasoning in health communication”, poster presentation for the international conference XPRAG.it 2021 (online), University of Turin, July 8th 2021.

(2020) (invited) (with R. Corvi, M. De Caro, and P. Storari) Online presentation of Massimo Dell’Utri’s book Putnam (Carocci 2020). University of Cagliari, November 19th 2020.

(2020) (accepted) “Discursive pluralism, expressivism and the integration challenge”, talk delivered at the ECAP.10 (Tenth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy) online. University of Utrecht, Netherlands, August 26th 2020.

(2018) (invited) “Inferentialism and the many dimensions of normativity”, seminar delivered at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Law, Cagliari, October 25th 2018.

(2018) (accepted) “Anaphoric deflationism, primitivism, and the truth-property”, talk delivered at the GAP.10 (Tenth International Conference of the German Society of Analytic Philosophy), Cologne, Germany, September 18th 2018.

(2018) (invited) “Expressivism and the plurality of vocabularies”, talk delivered at the University of Cagliari for the PRIN2015 workshop on “Truth, Concepts, Prototypes”, Cagliari, July 11th 2018.

(2017) (accepted) “Which Intentionality? A Foundational Issue in Social Ontology”, talk delivered at the Midterm International Conference of the SIFA (Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy), University of Genoa, December 1st 2017.

(2017) (accepted) “Varieties of anti-representationalism”, talk given at the international conference “Revisiting Richard Rorty, with Robert Brandom”, University of Minho, Braga (Portugal), September 26th 2017.

(2017) (invited) “Williamson, Gentzen-style rules, and the epistemology of logic”, talk given for the ALOPHIS Seminars, University of Cagliari, May 5th 2017.

(2016) (invited) “Anaphoric deflationism, primitivism, and the truth-property”, talk given for the ALOPHIS Seminars, University of Cagliari, December 2nd 2016.

(2016) (accepted) “Anaphoric deflationism, primitivism, and the truth-property”, for the international conference “Truth: Deflationism and Beyond”, Alghero, University of Sassari, September 24th 2016.

(2016) (accepted) (with Alessandra Melas) “On the nature of coincidental events”, SIFA2016 (XII International conference of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy), University of Florence (Uniser Campus), Pistoia, September 6th 2016.

(2016) (invited) Presentation of the book: “Defending the content view of perception” by Diego Zucca, University of Sassari, April 4th 2016.

(2015) (invited) “Inferentialism”, talk delivered at the University of Cagliari for the seminars “Voices of philosophy of language and mind”, November 4th 2015.

(2015) (accepted) “On Båve’s arguments against the prosentential theory of truth”, Sifa Midterm Conference (International conference of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy), Sassari, September 24th 2015.

(2015) (accepted) “On the nature of coincidental events” [poster presentation] Gap.9 (international conference of the German Society of Analytic Philosophy), Osnabruck (Germany), 15-16 of September 2015.

(2015) (invited) Presentation of the book: “Collective Intentionality, Norms and Institutions” by Guido Seddone, University of Sassari, May 7th 2015.

(2015) (invited) “Vero, Falso, Finto – Alcune questioni su realtà e finzione” (True, False, Fake – on some questions about reality and fiction), talk given at the “Fondazione La Speranza” (Ozieri – SS), March 6th 2015.     

(2015) (accepted) (with Alessandra Melas) “On the nature of coincidental events”. Talk given in Port Elizabeth (South Africa), January 12th 2015, at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University for the international conference PSSA2015.

(2014) “Persuasion and the end of reasons”, talk delivered at the University of Cagliari for the conference “Truth, Image, Normativity”, October 22th 2014.

(2014) (accepted) (with Alessandra Melas) “On the epistemology of coincidental events”. Talk given at the conference SIFA2014 “Philosophy, Analysis and Public Engagement”, University of l’Aquila, September 5th 2014.

(2013) (invited) (with Alessandra Melas) “Absolute Coincidences. Some epistemological issues”. Talk delivered at the University of Cagliari, September 18th 2013, as a side-event for the SIFA Graduate Conference 2013, “Logic, Language and Mind”.

(2013) “Giustificazionismo e Passato. Osservazioni su “Truth and the Past” di Michael Dummett” (Justificationism and the Past. Ramarks on Dummett’s “Truth and the Past”). Talk given at the University of Cagliari, June 06th 2013 for the conference “Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione” [Reality, Truth, Representation] (PRIN2009).

(2012) Vero, Falso, Finto (True, False, Fake) – a dialogue on truth and fiction between theatre and philosophy with director Guido De Monticelli (Teatro Stabile della Sardegna – Sardinia Theater). The meeting was hosted at the University of Cagliari – December 13th 2012, for the series of seminars called “La Bottega delle Arti e del Pensiero” (season 2012/2013).

(2012) (accepted) “Conceptual Norms and Argumentative Practices: the Question of Objectivity in Brandom’s Inferentialism”. Talk given at the University of Sassari for the conference SIFA2012 “The answers of philosophy”, Alghero September 14th 2012.

(2011) (invited) “Norme concettuali e pratiche argomentative: il modello inferenziale di Robert Brandom” (Conceptual norms and argumentative practices: Brandom’s inferential model), seminar delivered at the University of Cagliari, Faculty of Law, April 7th 2011.

(2010) “Modal inferences, inferential roles and semantic holism”. Talk given at the University of Latvia for the International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics ISSCSS – July 28th 2010.

(2007) “Enciclopedia e analisi filosofica: l’eredità di Quine” (Encyclopedia and philosophical analysis: Quine’s legacy), University of Cagliari, October 10th 2007, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, PRIN Conference on “Enciclopedia ed enciclopedismi nell’età moderna e contemporanea”.

(2004) (accepted) “Prospettive e problemi dell’inferenzialismo di Robert Brandom” (Features and problems of Brandom’s inferentialism), Reggio Emilia December 15th 2004, Hotel Astoria, XV Convegno Nazionale dei Dottorati di Ricerca in Filosofia (Italian National Conference for Ph.D students in Philosophy).



(2023) (with A. Melas) What are Coincidences? A Philosophical Guide Between Science and Common Sense. Vernon Press, Wilmington. 

(2016) Pratiche discorsive razionali. Studi sull’inferenzialismo di Robert Brandom. Mimesis, Milano-Udine.

Edited books:

(2020) (co-edited with V. Busacchi and S. Pinna) Prassi, cultura, realtà. Saggi in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis, Mimesis, Milano-Udine.

(2017) (co-edited with G. Seddone) Mind, Collective Agency, and Norms. Essays on Social Ontology, Shaker Verlag, Aachen. 

(2017) (co-edited with P.L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi and O. Loddo) Verità, Immagine, Normatività. Truth, Image, and Normativity. Quodlibet, Macerata. 

(2015) (co-edited with P.L. Lecis and V. Busacchi), Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano. 

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

(2024) “The Given and the Hard Problem of Content”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 23 (4), pp. 797-821. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-022-09843-5 

(2023) "Discursive pluralism: Inferentialist expressivism and the integration challenge", Metaphilosophy 54 (5), pp. 717-733; https://doi.org/10.1111/meta.12655 

(2022) "La riduzione sociologica della normatività. Tre osservazioni sull’argomento di Stephen Turner", L'Ircocervo 21, 2 (2022), pp. 110-130. 

(2022) (with F. Ervas, C. Sechi and R. Fanari) "Exploring metaphor's communicative effects in reasoning on vaccination", Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1027733

(2022) (with F. Ervas and R. Fanari) “Metaphors for vaccination and defeasible reasoning”, Proceedings of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, 1(1). https://paris.pias.science/articles/RN4_Ervas/

(2022) (with A. Melas) “On the Nature of Coincidental Events”, Axiomathes 32, pp. 143-168. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10516-020-09517-4

(2021) “Putnam’s Alethic Pluralism and the Fact-Value Dichotomy”, European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, XIII, 2; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/ejpap.2543

(2021) (with F. Ervas) “Evidence, Defeasibility, and Metaphors in Diagnosis and Diagnosis Communication”, Topoi, 40, 2, pp. 327-341. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11245-020-09698-y

(2020) “Implicit Norms”, Phenomenology and Mind, n. 17, 2019, pp. 56-68:  https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/pam/article/view/8025

(2019) “Does language have a downtown? Wittgenstein, Brandom, and the game of giving and asking for reasons”, Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin, vol. 8, n. 9, pp. 494-515. https://disputatio.eu/vols/vol-8-no-9/salis-language/

(2019) “Commenti sui social: comunicazione digitale, partecipazione politica e social media”, Critical Hermeneutics, (3), 2019, Special Issue: “(Re-)defining Populism”, pp. 105-126. http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/ecch/article/view/3713

(2019) “The Generality of Anaphoric Deflationism”, in Philosophia, 47, 2, 2019, pp. 505-522. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-018-9974-9

(2019) “Anaphoric Deflationism, Primitivism, and the Truth Property”, in Acta Analytica, 34, 1, 2019, pp. 117-134. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12136-018-0363-6

(2018) “Recenti studi intorno alla razionalità”, in Paradigmi. Rivista di critica filosofica, XXXVI, 3, 2018, pp. 547-560: https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.30460/91907

(2016) (with F. Ervas, M. Montibeller, and M. G. Rossi) “Expertise and Metaphors in Health Communication”, in Medicina & Storia, (Focus “Philosophy and Medicine”), n. 9-10, pp. 91-108.

(2016) “Counterfactually Robust Inferences, Modally Ruled Out Inferences, and Semantic Holism”, in Al-Mukhatabat Journal, 16, October 2015, Special Issue on Robert B. Brandom, pp. 111-35. https://platform.almanhal.com/Reader/Article/89319

(2012) “Inferenzialismo, pratiche argomentative e oggettività”, in Piazza, F. e Serra, M. (eds.) Accordo e disaccordo. Prospettive logico-retoriche, RIFL – Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 108-120, doi: 10.4396/20121210

(2003) “Rorty e Habermas. Un confronto sulla ragione comunicativa”. Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Università di Cagliari – Nuova Serie XX – Vol. LVII – part II 2002, pp. 265-88.

Book chapters:

(2023) “On Turner’s Anti-Normativism”, in R. Giovagnoli and R. Lowe (eds.) The Logic of Social Practices II, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE), Vol. 68. Springer, Cham, pp. 159-76. 

(2023)  (with F. Ervas and R. Fanari) "The Communicative Effects of Metaphors for Vaccination as a Collective Health Endeavour" in K. Hens and A. De Block (eds.) Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Medicine, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 285-304. 

(2023) “Nuove metafore per la comunicazione sui vaccini: nudging o ingegneria concettuale?” in E. Gola, A. Volterrani, F. Meloni, A. Careddu (eds.) Media, linguaggi, comunicazione: scenari del presente e del futuro, Cagliari, UNICAPress, pp. 95-98.

(2020) “Counterfactually robust inferences, modally ruled out inferences, and semantic holism”, in H. Mlika (ed.) Investigating Brandom’s Inferentialism. Noor Publishing, Riga (LV), pp. 73-99.

(2020) “Pluralismo degli ambiti di discorso: la sfida dell’espressivismo”, in V. Busacchi, P. Salis, S. Pinna (eds.) Prassi, Cultura, Realtà. Saggi in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, pp. 233-246.

(2020) (with V. Busacchi and S. Pinna) “Prefazione”, in Prassi, Cultura, Realtà. Saggi in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, pp. 7-9.

(2020) “Varieties of anti-representationalism”, in P. G. Moreira (Ed.), Revisiting Richard Rorty, Vernon Press, Wilmington, pp.115-134 (Available at 24% discount using coupon CFC1502259C7 at https://vernonpress.com/book/830 )

(2018) “Counterfactually robust inferences, modally ruled out inferences, and semantic holism”, in H. Mlika (ed.) Lectures de Robert Brandom, Edilivre, Saint-Denis, pp. 135-71.

(2017) (with G. Seddone) “Introduction: paths into the social world”, in Salis, P. and Seddone, G. (eds.) Mind, Collective Agency, and Norms. Essays on Social Ontology, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 3-5.

(2017) “Conceptions of original intentionality (and social ontology)”, in Salis, P. and Seddone, G. (eds.) Mind, Collective Agency, and Norms. Essays on Social Ontology, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 7-15.

(2017) “Belongingness and institutions. Some Remarks on Seddone’s proposal”, in Salis, P. and Seddone, G. (eds.) Mind, Collective Agency, and Norms. Essays on Social Ontology, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 84-86.

(2017) “Does persuasion really come at the end of reasons?” in Verità, Immagine, Normatività, Quodlibet, Macerata, pp. 77-100.

(2015) “Grasp of Concepts: Common Sense and Expertise in an Inferentialist Framework”, in M. Bianca, P. Piccari (eds.), Epistemology of Ordinary Knowledge. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp 289-297.

(2015) “Giustificazionismo e passato: osservazioni su Truth and the Past di Michael Dummett”, in Lecis, Busacchi, Salis (eds.), Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 227-246.

(2015) “Presentazione” (with P.L. Lecis and V. Busacchi), to Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 9-18.

(2015) “Il dibattito” in L. Onnis (ed). Una nuova alleanza tra psicoterapia e neuroscienze. Dall’intersoggettività ai neuroni specchio. Dialogo tra Daniel Stern e Vittorio Gallese, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2015, pp. 64-5.

(2008) “Enciclopedia e analisi filosofica: l’eredità di Quine”, in A. Loche (ed.), Enciclopedie ed enciclopedismi nell’età moderna e contemporanea, Cuec UP, Cagliari, pp. 339-54.


(2023) “James Conant and Sanjit Chakraborty (eds.), Engaging Putnam. Berlin: De Gruyter 2022, pp. viii + 372”, in Argumenta, Issue 17, 2023, pp. 217-222: https://www.argumenta.org/article/book-reviews-14/

(2022) “Paolo Tripodi, Analytic Philosophy and the Later Wittgensteinian Tradition, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. v-267”, in Argumenta, Issue 14, 2022, pp. 564-69: https://www.argumenta.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Argumenta-7-2-Book-Reviews-.pdf

(2021) "Massimo Dell’Utri, Putnam, Carocci, Roma, 2020", in Aphex, 23, 2021: http://www.aphex.it/index.php?Letture=557D03012201740321050507777327

(2018) “Giacomo Turbanti, Robert Brandom’s Normative Inferentialism”, in Argumenta, Issue 6, 2018, pp. 384-389: https://www.argumenta.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Argumenta-32-Book-Reviews.pdf

(2018) “Ronald Loeffler, Brandom”, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 11, 3, 2018: https://ndpr.nd.edu/news/brandom/

(2011) "Alva Noë, Out of Our Heads. Why You Are Not Your Brain and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness, Hill and Wang, New York, 2009", in Aphex, 4, 2011, pp. 246-64; url: http://www.aphex.it/index.php?Recensioni=557D03012201740321010E767773

Dictionary entries:

(2009) Agire comunicativo-strumentale (communicative-instrumental action), Antirealismo (antirealism), Argomento del linguaggio privato (private language argument), Assioma (axiom), Atteggiamento proposizionale (propositional attitude), Contenuto (content), Contesto - principio del (context principle), Composizionalità - principio di compositionality), Credenza (belief), Given - mito del (myth of the given), Inferenza (inference), Inferenzialismo semantico (inferentialism), Mentalese, Ostensivo (ostensive), Psicosemantica (psychosemantics), Qualia, Realismo (realism), Riduzionismo (reductionism), Soprannaturale (supernatural).

for the Italian Philosophical Dictionary Le Parole della Filosofia Contemporanea, edited by Luciano Floridi & Gian Paolo Terravecchia, Carocci Rome.


(2017) Italian translation of Nyiri, K. “Wittgenstein and the philosophy of common sense” in Verità, Immagine, Normatività. Truth, Image, and Normativity, Quodlibet, Macerata, pp. 209-25.


(2020) (with F. Ervas and R. Fanari) “Exploring metaphor’s effects in reasoning on vaccination”: https://psyarxiv.com/rvxpd/


(2018) “Conversation with Robert Brandom”, in Aphex, 18, 2018: http://www.aphex.it/index.php?Interviste=557D030122020875577204050A732771


(2005) “Prospettive e problemi dell’inferenzialismo di Robert Brandom”. «Istituto Banfi» (Website), text is online here: http://amami.netribe.it/banfi/allegati/21.%20Pietro%20Salis%20_2004_%20XV%20convegno.pdf


2023-2025: Fellowship within the research project PRIN 2022 “Normative artifacts and normative drawings: investigating non-linguistic regulation (NAND)”, Principal Investigator Prof. Giuseppe Lorini (Università di Cagliari).

2021-2023: Fellowship within the research project on "Truth and evaluative discourse", PI: Prof. Massimo Dell’Utri, University of Sassari – Funded by ‘Fondazione di Sardegna’, 2020.

2013-2015: Fellowship within the Regional Research Program on Truth, Persuasion, and Communication (Verità, Persuasione, Comunicazione), gen. resp. prof. Massimo Dell’Utri (other members: P. L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, and O. Loddo), University of Sassari/University of Cagliari – Research grant: Regional Program RAS (Sardinia) 2012.

2009-2013: Fellowship within the local research unit on Realism in Historical Knowledge (dir., P. L. Lecis, University of Cagliari), PRIN, MIUR, 2009 (National Research Program); national coordinator: Prof. Mariano Bianca (University of Siena).


Visiting Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh – Department of Philosophy, (Spring Term 2018). Faculty contact: Robert Brandom.

Organizer (with P. Maynard, G. Lorini, S. Moroni, O. Loddo) of the international conference “Normative drawings and deontic artifacts” – University of Cagliari, 27-28 of October 2016.

Organizer (with P.L. Lecis and V. Busacchi) of the workshop RAS 2015 “Dimensions of communication” – University of Cagliari, 30 of April 2015.

Editorial assistant and member of the editorial board of Argumenta, Journal of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (SIFA): www.argumenta.org

Organizer (with P.L. Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, O. Loddo) of the conference “Verità, Immagine, Normatività” (Truth, Image, Normativity). Cagliari, 22-24 of October 2014.

Member of the Cagliari (Unica1) research unit for the RAS 2012 project “Verità, Persuasione, Comunicazione: per un’integrazione delle prospettive di studio” (Truth, Persuasion, Communication) (2013-15).

Member of the Cagliari research unit for the PRIN 2009 project “Realismo e verità nella conoscenza storica” (Realism and truth in historical knowledge); project winner of PRIN 2009 funding (October 2011-October 2013).

Expert in the field (the Italian “Cultore della materia”) in ‘Theoretical Philosophy’ 2013/2016 at the University of Cagliari.

Organizer (with P.L. Lecis, V. Busacchi and S. Pinna) of the PRIN2009 conference “Realtà, Verità, Rappresentazione” (Reality, Truth, Representation) at the University of Cagliari, 5-7 of June 2013.

Expert in the field (the Italian “Cultore della materia” in ‘Theoretical Philosophy’ 2010/2012 at the University of Cagliari.

(2007-2008) Epistemology’s Lecturer for the SSIS (specialization for teachers) of Cagliari’s University.

(2007-2008) Member of the committee for the SSIS final examination (for the Human Sciences sector).

(2005-2007) Author of dictionary entries for the Italian philosophical dictionary (Luciano Floridi and Gian Paolo Terravecchia (eds.), Le parole della Filosofia Contemporanea, Carocci, Roma 2009).


2023/2024 Course: Philosophy of Mind (30 hours): "The knowledge argument and phenomenal consciousness". University of Cagliari (March-April 2024).

2023/2024 Course: Philosophy of Knowledge (30 hours): “Epistemology of fake news”. University of Cagliari (October-November 2023).

2022/2023 Course: Philosophy of Knowledge (30 hours): “Conceptual knowledge and empirical knowledge in Quine’s thought”. University of Cagliari (March-May 2023).

2022/2023 Doctoral seminars (12 hours) on “Theories of truth” for the Doctoral Program in Philosophy, Epistemology, and Human Sciences, University of Cagliari (Dottorato di Filosofia, Epistemologia, Scienze Umane) – (January-February 2023).

2022/2023 Course: Philosophy of Knowledge (30 hours): “What is truth for? The dialogue between Richard Rorty and Pascal Engel”. University of Cagliari (October-November 2022).

2021/2022 Course: Philosophy of Knowledge (30 hours): “The impact of the scientific image of man on philosophy according to Wilfrid Sellars”. University of Cagliari (March-May 2022).

2020/2021 Doctoral seminars (6 hours) on “Theories of truth” for the Doctoral Program in Philosophy, Epistemology, and Human Sciences, University of Cagliari (Dottorato di Filosofia, Epistemologia, Scienze Umane) – October 2020.

2017/2018 Seminar on the philosophical problem of truth, for Theoretical Philosophy (October 2017).

2014/2015 Organization, coordination, and management of the event “Sul disaccordo” in Wittgenstein (disagreement in Wittgenstein) together with Sardegna Teatro (Sardinia Theater) for the series of events called “La bottega delle arti e del pensiero” (April 2015).

2014/2015 Seminar for “Propedeutica Filosofica” about personal identity in contemporary philosophy (April 2015).

2014/2015 Teaching support, with two introductory lectures about Wittgenstein’s conceptions of language, for Theoretical Philosophy (October 2014).

2013/2014 Organization, coordination, and management (together with Luca Vargiu) of the event “Tutta la verità su Elena” (all the truth about Elena) at the Teatro Stabile della Sardegna (Sardinia Theater) for the series of events called “La bottega delle arti e del pensiero” (April 2014).

2012/2013 Teaching support, with many lectures about the philosophical problem of truth, for Theoretical Philosophy (October 2012) and many others on the alternatives to the classical conception of truth (May 2013).

2011/2012 Teaching support, with a lecture on the ‘Myth of the Given’, for “Propedeutica Filosofica” (May 2012).

2010/2011 Teaching support, with a lecture on Dummett’s philosophy of language and another on Grice’s philosophy of language, for Theoretical Philosophy (April-May 2011).

2010/2011 Teaching support, with a series of lectures about the unity of consciousness, for Theoretical Philosophy (October 2010),

2007/2008 Teacher of “Epistemology” (Logic and philosophy of science) for the S.S.I.S. at the University of Cagliari – lectures for 60 hours.


SIFA (Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy) – January 2005; Member of the Steering Committee (2021-23); Organizer (with F. Bacchini, M. Benenti, M. Bocchiola, S. Bonicalzi, S. Caputo, M. Dell’Utri, E. Loria, C. Meini, G. Tuzet, M.S. Vaccarezza, L. Zanetti) of the midterm conference of the SIFA (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy) “Truth in Evaluation” (Alghero, Univerity of Sassari, 26-28 of September 2022); Organizer (with C. Barbieri, M. Benenti, M. Benzi, E. Biale, M. Bocchiola, S. Bonicalzi, M. Carrara, C. Burelli, C. De Florio, M. Dell’Utri, S. Iaquinto, A. Lizzadri, E. Loria, C. Meini, D. Pala, P. Perconti, M. Rosola, L. Santi Amantini, G. Tuzet, M. S. Vaccarezza, L. Zanetti, G. Zuccarelli) of the 15th Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy – SIFA, Who is Afraid of Philosophy? New Challenges for Contemporary Society, Alessandria, University of Eastern Piedmont (7-9 of September 2023).

SIFIT (Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy) – July 2020.

University of Cagliari

Ph.D (2006);

Expert in the field (Theoretical Philosophy) (2010);

Post-doc fellow in ‘Theoretical Philosophy’ (2010-2012);

Post-doc fellow in ‘Theoretical Philosophy’ (2014-2015);

Member of the local research unit for the PRIN Project “Realism and antirealism” (PRIN 2009);

Member of the PhD Collegium (Philosophy, Epistemology, Human Sciences - 2022-);

Organizer (together with P.L. Lecis and V. Busacchi) of the conference “Reality, Truth, Representation” (5-7 of June 2013); Member of the local research unit (Unica1) for the RAS Project “Truth, persuasion, communication” (2014-15);

Organizer (together with P.L Lecis, G. Lorini, V. Busacchi, and O. Loddo) of the conference “Truth, Image, Normativity” (22-24 of October 2014);

Organizer (with P.L. Lecis e V. Busacchi) of the workshop RAS 2015 “Dimensions of communication” – University of Cagliari, 30 of April 2015;

Organizer (with G. Lorini, P. Maynard, S. Moroni, O. Loddo) of the conference “Normative Drawings and Deontic Artifacts” (27-28 of October 2016);

Post-doc researcher in ‘Philosophy of language’ (2017-2018);

Linguistica-Mente Research Group (University of Cagliari): http://people.unica.it/linguisticamente/il-gruppo/

Post-doc fellow in ‘Theoretical Philosophy’ (February to December 2020)

Researcher in Theoretical Philosophy (2021).

University of Pittsburgh – Visiting Scholar (Spring Term 2018).

Member of the CIS: Interdepartmental Center for Teaching Italian Language to Foreigners of the University of Cagliari (2022)

Organizer (with F. Bacchini, S. Caputo, M. Dell’Utri) of the international conference “Truth in Evaluation II”, Alghero, University of Sassari (12-13 of June 2023).


Argumenta – Journal of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy http://www.argumenta.org/ – member of the editorial board (2014-2018); assistant editor (2014-to present).

Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin – Associate editor (2022-to present).

APhEx – Portale Italiano di Filosofia Analitica – Reviewer (2015-to present); Paradigmi – Rivista di critica filosofica – Reviewer (2017-to present); European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy – Reviewer (2018-to present); Journal of Logic, Language and Information – Reviewer (2018-to present); Philosophia – Reviewer (2018-to present); Kriterion – Reviewer (2019-to present); Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio – Reviewer (2019-to present); Phenomenology and Mind – Reviewer (2019-to present); Critical Hermeneutics – Reviewer (2020-to present); Mind and Language – Reviewer (2020-to present); Teoria e Critica della Regolazione Sociale – Reviewer (2020-to present); New Ideas in Psychology – Reviewer (2021-to present); Academia Letters – Reviewer (2021-to present); Philosophical Inquiries – Reviewer (2021-to present); Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee – Reviewer (2022-to present); L'Ircocervo – Reviewer (2022-to present); Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin – Reviewer (2023-to present); Erkenntnis – Reviewer (2023-to-present); Argumenta – Reviewer (2023-to present); Synthese – Reviewer (2023-to-present); Minds and Machines – Reviewer (2024-to present).

Publishing Houses

Routledge (reviewer, June 2022); Brill (reviewer, February 2023); Springer (reviewer, July 2024).


(2015) SIFA Young Scholar Prize – SIFA Midterm Conference on “Truth and Persuasion” 24-26 of September 2015.

(2020) ASN Italian national habilitation as associate professor of Theoretical Philosophy (11-11-2020/11-11-2031).

(2020) ASN Italian national habilitation as associate professor of Philosophy of Language (11-11-2020/11-11-2031).


Italian (Native Speaker);

English (first foreign language – Fluent);

Spanish (second foreign language – elementary level).

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