Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica

Simona Ruggeri (last update: May 2024)

Assistant Professor, Power System Group, University of Cagliari

Main Research Areas

Planning and Operation of Active Distribution Networks and smart grids (impact of Distributed Generation, storage devices, electrical vehicles and renewable energy sources). Management of DERs (ESS, DG, loads, EV) through Multi-Agent Systems. Flexibility assessment and market participation of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).


March 2015: Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE), University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. F. Pilo – Ph.D. dissertation: “Centralised and decentralised control of active distribution systems: models,algorithms and applications”.

2012 -2015: Ph.D. student, XXVII cycle.

Attendance of the three-year cycle of the Ph.D. School PEEMEC (Power Electronics, Electrical Machines Energy Control and Power Systems), promoted by Università di Cassino.

2013: Co-Simulation of Energy and ICT Systems, EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, 28 – 29 Nov. 2013).

2012: Smart Cities: Planning and operation of future urban energy systems, EES-UETP and UoM, University of Manchester (Manchester, 5-7 Nov. 2012).

Nov. 2013 – Feb. 2014: English for Academic Purposes level B2, Centro Linguistico D’Ateneo, University of, Cagliari.

2011: Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari. Thesis: Optimal protection devices allocation and coordination in MV distribution network (Supervisor: Prof. F. Pilo).




Research Experience

Aug. 2022 - Today: Assistant professor DM 1062/2021

Aug. 2019 – Today: Assistant professor PON R&I 2014-2020 framework (Project AIM ID: AIM1873058-1).

Jan. 2019 – Aug. 2019: Post-doc "Realizzazione sperimentale di una microrete nello smart campus dell’Università di Cagliari".

2018 – 2020: Principal investigator of Joint Mobility Scheme Italia – Sud Africa “Optimal power distribution from renewable energy resources”.

2015 – 2018: Post-doc:

         Flexibility model in planning study (Collaboration with EDF R&D).

         Development of a simplified LV network model (Collaboration with EDF R&D).

Oct. 2015: Research activity at EDF R&D lab, Saclay (Paris).

Research project involvement


ISGAN WG3: Cost benefit analysis and toolkit (video)

BIRDIE-S (Build the Innovative Renewable and Digitally Inclusive Electrified Sardinia)

POSEIDON (POR FESR 2014-2020) microreti intelligenti in aeree portuali (video)

STORES (Promotion of higher penetration of Distributed PV through storage for all)

ATLANTIDE (Archivio TeLemAtico per il riferimento Nazionale di reTI di Distribuzione Elettrica).

e-visiØn (electric-vehicle integration for smart innovative 0-CO2 networks, integrazione del veicolo elettrico nelle reti intelligenti innovative senza emissione di CO2), finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, (L.R.n. 7/2007 “Promozione della Ricerca Scientifica e dell'Innovazione Tecnologica in Sardegna”).

Teaching Experience

2021 – Today: Lecturer: Critical infrastructures for innovative power distribution, University of Cagliari.

2020 – Today: Lecturer: Laboratory of smart grid, University of Cagliari.

2017 – 2019: Teaching Assistant: Laboratory of smart grid, University of Cagliari.

2012 – Today: Teaching Assistant: Impianti elettrici, Smart grid e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica, University of Cagliari.

2012 – Today: Supervision of undergraduate and graduate students of electrical and electronic engineering, University of Cagliari.


Mother Tongue: Italian

Other Languages:

English (B.2)

French (B.1.2)

Memberships of Scientific Societies

IEEE Member and IEEE Power & Energy Society Member.

Questionnaire and social

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