Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica

Davide Maiorca received from the University of Cagliari the Master of Science degree in Electronic Engineering  (final mark: 110/110 magna cum laude) in 2012 and the Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science in 2016.  Since 2012, he has been working at the University of Cagliari, where he currently holds a position as a Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B) of Computer Engineering at the University of Cagliari. His research fields include analyzing and detecting X86, Android and IoT malware, malicious documents and multimedia applications (e.g., PDF, Microsoft Office), and Adversarial Machine Learning. In 2021, he received the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as an Associate Professor (ING-INF/05).

Dr. Maiorca authored more than 25 research papers and has served as a Program Committee member and reviewer for international conferences and journals. He is responsible and unit leader for various research projects, and he is a member of important scientific organizations, such as IEEE, Computer Society, SMC, ACM, INSTICC, AIxIA and CVPL (ex-GIRPR – Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori Pattern Recognition).

He currently teaches the courses "Web Security and Malware Analysis" and "Computer Forensics Techniques" for the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence. He also teaches the "Reverse Engineering and Low-Level Program Analysis" seminar for Ph.D. Students. 

Dr. Maiorca also works as a forensic consultant for legal cases and is responsible (for the University of Cagliari) for the Capture The Flag project CyberChallenge.it. He is the captain and the coach of the CTF Team Srdnlen, with more than 30 talented people in the field of cybersecurity.

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