Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

Alessandro Lovari (Ph.D. Sapienza University of Rome) is Associate Professor in Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Cagliari, a university in which he teaches Institutional Communication and Digital Technologies (Master's Degree Course in Social Innovation and Communication), Public Communication (Bachelor's Degree Course in Communication Sciences), Sociology of Communication (Bachelor's Degree Course in Political Science) and Marketing and Corporate Communication (EDUC online course). He was granted tenure as a full professor on Feb. 1, 2023.

Before working in Cagliari as a tenured track assistant professor (RTD letter B) (2019-2022), he was a post-doc and an assistant professor at the University of Sassari (2013-2016), a university where he taught Corporate Communication, Public Communication, Public Communication Strategies and Social Media for Public Administration. 

He has been a visiting research scholar at Purdue University (Brian Lamb School of Communication, US), University of Cincinnati (Department of Communication, US), University of South Carolina (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, US) as a recipient of an internationalization grant ("Mary Caldwell International Grant") and Virginia Commonwealth University (Robertson School of Media and Culture, US) as a recipient of Young Researcher Mobility Grant.

His main research interests are public and institutional communication, public relations, health communication, and the evolution and transformation of communication models and practices among organizations, mass media, and citizens. He has been studying for years the impact of the Internet and social media on the communicative behaviors of public organizations, companies and connected citizens, with a focus on the social uses of digital platforms.

He is a member of research groups in the field of sociology of communication and communication of complex organizations, both nationally and internationally. He has participated as a speaker and invited speaker at numerous national and international scientific congresses, conferences and conventions.

He is vice-chair of the Strategic and Organizational Communication Section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association). He is a member of the scientific committees of the Public and Institutional Communication Association, the Observatory on Public Communication, Public Branding and Digital Transformation at IULM in Milan, and the Observatory on Digital Communication (coordinated by the Piepoli Institute).

Since August 2023, he has been national PI of the PRIN PNRR research project "INSULANDER" (INvestigating the Strategic role of commUnication for resiLient islAnds copiNg DisastErs Risk management), project code P2022A4Y4L, with funding of 263,999 euros. Since May 2020, he has been the scientific coordinator of the research project "The Quality of Public Social Communication," of the Directorate General for Communications Technology and Information Security - Superior Institute of Communications and Information Technology - Ministry of Economic Development, Italian Government, with scientific partners the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Cagliari and the Department of Communication and Social Research of Sapienza University of Rome. He is PI of the research project EPIC POPS (Pandemic Emergency and Hybridizations between Public and Political Communication in Social Media), funded by the Foundation of Sardinia and winner of competitive evaluation in area 14. He is also Co-PI (with Jeong Nam Kim, University of Oklahoma) of a Page Grant on Sustainability Communication funded by the Arthur W. Page Center (USA) for the research project "Explicating the role of personal ethics in public engagement: A new public segmentation strategy for effective sustainability communication, integrating theories of problem solving and personal ethics".

He was principal investigator (PI) of the research project "Concrete" (Supporting and inClusive COmunication in cases of emeRgEnce in aTenEs) funded, on a competitive basis, within the MIUR FISR 2020 Covid call, project c odice FISR2020IP_03063 (October 2021-March 2022), budget 53,776.23 euros.

From December 2019 to July 2022, he was a member of the Horizon 2020 SUPERA (Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia) project; he was a member of the Technical Committee for the European Project CREATIVE ("Changing Relationships through Education and Awareness Towards endIng Violence against women") (2017-2018), a member of the research team of the European project "Reflex" (Reconciliation and Flexibility: reconciling new work and care needs), coordinated by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Prime Minister's Office of the Italian Government (2021-2022). He is affiliated faculty at the Media+Health Lab at Virginia Commonwealth University (US), Advisory Board Member of the "DaLi, Debiasing and Lay Informatics Lab," at the Center for Applied Social Research at the University of Oklahoma (US), member of CIRD (Inter-University Center for Educational Research) (Unica and Uniss) and of D/Cult - Critical Observatory on Digital Cultures (University of Ferrara).

He has won 5 research awards, including the International Aberge Award with the paper "Tweeting about #Diseases and #PublicHealth: Communicating global health issues across nations" at the 20th International Public Relations Research Conference, in Orlando (USA) and the best paper with "Tweeting the flushot" in the division "Communicating Science, Heath, Environment and Risk" at the AEJMC conference, Toronto (2019). 

His studies and research have been published in 10 books, including 4 monographs (the latest is Public Communication. Institutions, Practices, Platforms – in Italian - with G. Ducci for Mondadori, 2022), and in numerous national and international journals such as International Journal of Communication, Public Relations Review, Health Communication, Journal of Public Affairs, American Behavioural Scientist, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Media & Communication, Public Relations Inquiry, Sociological Forum, Atlantic Journal of Communication, Problems of Information, Sociology of Communication, Mediascapes Journal, Social Communications, Media Education, H-ermes, Sinergie International Journal of Management.

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