Valeria Marina Nurchi

III Summer School of Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry

Hotel Flamingo, Santa Margherita di Pula, Cagliari (IT) 28 agosto - 1 settembre 2017
20 October 2022

The III Summer School of Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry is evoted  to PhD students and junior researchers who are keen to explore the interdisciplinary contest of current cutting-edge research in Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry.

Aim of the school is to reflect the current scenario of this trans-disciplinary field, where the advances in knowledge are driven by chemists, physicians, pharmacologists and molecular biology researchers.

To achieve these very ambitious goals, the organizers invited the best experts and the most promising researchers.



Organizing commetee:

  • Prof. Guido Crisponi, University of Cagliari (IT)
  • Prof. Valeria M. Nurchi, University of Cagliari (IT)
  • Prof. Henryk Kozlowsky, University of Wroclaw (PL)
  • Dr. Rosita Cappai, University of Cagliari (IT)



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