UniCa UniCa News Communication PhD Course - Laboratory of image processing for computer vision

PhD Course - Laboratory of image processing for computer vision

Autore dell'avviso: Roberto Casula

11 June 2024
Course for PhD Program in Electronic and Computer Engineering


Goal of the Course:

The laboratory aims to provide students with an introductory overview of image acquisition and processing techniques for computer vision applications. These applications range from quality enhancement to object detection. The illustration of algorithms, methods, and processing systems will follow a "learning-by-doing" approach, in the form of computer-based exercises, enabling students to gain practical experience of the effects and differences between various operators.



To effectively follow the seminar, students are advised to have a grasp of the fundamental constructs of programming or scripting languages (such as C, Python, Matlab).


Intersection with other courses at the University of Cagliari:

The seminar has intersections with the Biometric technologies and behavioral security course provided for the Master’s Degree Course of Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity And Artificial Intelligence.


Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Digital Image Processing (Examples of Application Fields, Elements of Visual Perception) - 2 hours
  2. Acquisition (Sampling and Quantization) and Properties of Digital Images (Relationship between Pixels, Types of Image Operations) - 3 hours
  3. Filters in the Spatial and Frequency Domains - 3 hours
  4. Morphological Operators - 2 hours
  5. Segmentation and Basic Elements of Image Recognition - 2 hours



Mandatory presence for at least 9 hours:

1.5 CFU: carrying out a final test in the form of a Python computer programming exercise

The lessons will take place from 1st to 5th July, starting at 3pm.

To register, send an email to roberto.casula@unica.it with the subject "Registration for the Image Processing Laboratory for Computer Vision" course via student/unica email

(so that the student can be added to the dedicated TEAMS). The room in which the seminar will be held will be communicated later in the TEAMS.

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