
Autore dell'avviso: Massimo Barbaro

14 February 2022
Seminario del Visiting Professor Max Ortiz Catalán sulle tematiche dello sviluppo di dispositivi medici legati in particolare alla neuro-prostetica e al trattamento del dolore da arto fantasma.


Nell'ambito del programma Visiting Professor dell'Università di Cagliari, il prof. Max Ortiz Catalán, della Chalmers University (Göteborg, Svezia), terrà un seminario dal titolo "Development of medical devices: from idea to a clinically testable product" nei giorni 22, 23, 25 febbraio 2022. Il seminario è aperto agli studenti delle lauree in Ingegneria Biomedica e Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e Informatica e della laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica. Il seminario prevedere un totale di 10 ore frontali, di cui 2 di attività laboratoriale e un test finale. Il programma del corso, l'orario delle lezioni e una breve bio del docente sono disponibili alla fine di questo annuncio. I posti disponibili sono 25 ed è possibile iscriversi a questo link: (è necessario autenticarsi con le credenziali di ateneo)

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Calendario lezioni

Martedì 22 febbraio - ore 9:00-13:00 (Aula B0)
Prostethics and Phantom Limb Pain

Mercoledì 23 febbraio - ore 9:00-13:00 (Aula B0)
Development of Medical Devices

Venerdì 25 febbraio - ore 9:00-11:00 (Aula B0)
Hands on workshop on Myoelectric Pattern Recognition

Course Abstract

Technology has the potential to allow patients to reintegrate into society after traumatic events leading to amputations. In addition to the functional challenges associated with amputation, chronic neuropathic pain can further hinder these patients’ quality of life. Similarly, children born with congenital limb malformation face functional challenges to overcome what are otherwise lifelong handicaps.

Dr. Ortiz Catalan will present clinically viable neuroprosthetic technologies to restore quality of life to patients with limb loss. He led the development of the first bionic arm integrated directly into a patient’s bone, nerves, and muscles. The first patient implanted with this neuromusculoskeletal interface has used it without interruption for over 9 years in everyday life. Patients implanted with this system are also provided with intuitive sensory feedback via direct nerve stimulation. Direct skeletal attachment via osseointegration, along with control and sensory feedback via implanted neuromuscular electrodes, can now be provided in a self-contained prosthesis for use in daily life without supervision outside controlled environments. Originally developed for above-elbow amputations, this technology is now being implemented for below-elbow and lower limb amputations. Dr. Ortiz Catalan will also discuss novel hypotheses about the origin and treatment of Phantom Limb Pain, and how motor prediction technology in combination with Augmented Reality can be used to treat it.



Prof. Max Ortiz Catalán, Ph.D., is the Founder and Director of the Center for Bionics and Pain Research ( and the Professor of Bionics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, where he also heads the Bionics Research Unit at the Department of Electrical Engineering. He has received several honors for his work, notably the “Swedish Embedded Award” by the Swedish Electronic Association in 2018, the “Brian & Joyce Blatchford Award” by ISPO in 2017, the “Delsys Prize” by Delsys in 2016, and the “European Youth Award” by the European Council in 2014. His research includes bioelectric signals acquisition electronics (analog and digital); bioelectric signal processing and machine learning algorithms for decoding motor volition and control; neuromuscular interfaces; neurostimulation for sensory feedback; bone-anchored prostheses and osseointegration; and virtual and augmented reality for neuromuscular rehabilitation and the treatment of phantom limb pain.


Twitter: @MaxOrtizCatalan


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