
Autore dell'avviso: John Liberato Di Girolamo

04 March 2022
Timetable and info for 1st year cult med group D, 2nd year ling com group B, 3rd year Ling com 6 credits


Dear students,

the second semester starts on MONDAY 7th March ONLINE in WEBEX.

My courses will be:

1st year Cult Med group D (course with Alistair Dempsey prima semester)

Monday 19.00-20.30 Webex Stadium 1

Thursday 19.00-20.30 Webex Stadium 1

Friday 8.30-10.00 Webex Stadium 1

2nd Year Ling Com group B (course with Alessio Pisci prima semester)

Monday 12.00-13.30 Webex Stadium 4

Wednesday 17.15-18.45 Webex Stadium 4

Thursday 8.30-10.00 Webex Stadium 4

3rd Year Ling Com 6 credits

Tuesday 8.30-10.00 Webex Stadium 3

Thursday 17.15-18,45 Webex Stadium 5

I’d like to remind students to be punctual for the lessons at the time stated. You will receive an invite to the room for the first lesson which you must keep for all subsequent lessons. For third year class, you will receive two different invites to the two different rooms. 

In general, remember to check my personal page every day or at least 'often' to check for any information from me. 


You will receive an invite to the room for the first lesson which you must keep for all subsequent lessons.

Last notices

Questionnaire and social

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