UniCa UniCa News Communication II Session PhD thesis defence - A.Y. 2018/2019 (Cycle XXXII PhD students and those who had to make up their attendance) - DEADLINES

II Session PhD thesis defence - A.Y. 2018/2019 (Cycle XXXII PhD students and those who had to make up their attendance) - DEADLINES

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

15 June 2020
Session JULY 2020 - Deadlines online submission of PhD defence application and upload of PhD thesis


The 2nd PhD thesis defence session for those PhD students who had to revise their thesis according to the indications of external referees is scheduled for June and July 2020. At art. 15, the Rules and Regulations on the PhD Programmes of the University of Cagliari indicate that, once the period for the above-mentioned revision has expired, the PhD thesis is admitted to public defence, with a new written evaluation provided by the same referees in the light of corrections or integrations made where needed. This session has been postponed by one month with regard to what is indicated in our Rules and Regulations, in order to concentrate in a single session the final examinations of these PhD students and of those receiving a PON RI scholarship.


Within 15 days before the date of the thesis defence, applicants MUST:
1. Submit the application to obtain their PhD degree
2. Upload their thesis
3. Pay the stamp duty (EUR 16.00)


PhD Programme Deadline (PhD degree application and thesis upload) Thesis defence date
Philosophy, Epistemology and Cultural History 7th July 2020 22th July 2020 -  h.15.00
Industrial Engineering 14th July 2020 29th July 2020 - h.10.00
Molecular and Translational Medicine - Cotutelle with Université Laval 30th June 2020 15th July 2020 - h.16.00
Chemical Sciences and Technologies 5th July 2020 20th July 2020 - h.10.00
Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies 02nd July 2020 17th July 2020 - h. 9.00
Innovation Sciences and Technologies 01st July 2020 16th July 2020 - h. 16.00

PhD degree application and thesis upload
PhD students can submit the application to obtain their PhD degree and archive their thesis only online, by entering their personal page on UniCa website at: https://unica.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do
Please, follow the guidelines below:
(Please, refer to the attached document at the bottom of this page)

Requirements for PhD students with a POR-FSE scholarship
PhD students with a scholarship funded by POR Sardegna -FSE 2014-2020 have to include a clear reference to the funding source of their scholarship, in all documents (research projects/papers, publications, etc.), including the PhD thesis, developed during the PhD programme. Further information is available in the attachment below "Indicazioni dottorandi assegnatari di borsa di studio POR FSE".

Indications for PhD students holding a PON-RI scholarship
PhD students holding a scholarship funded by the National Operational Programme Research and Innovation 2014-2020, so as to comply with the requirements of publicity detailed at paragraph no. 2.2 of Annex XII of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013 on "Information and communication measures for the public", have to complete the last page of their PhD thesis with the official logos of the programme and the related sentence, according to the attached format available below "Indicazioni per i dottorandi titolari di borsa PON-RI".

PhD Thesis
The PhD thesis must be uploaded in a single PDF file, including a cover, not exceeding 50 MB. PhD theses in multiple files can’t be uploaded. The file must be named “tesi di dottorato_ ... (PhD student’s name and surname)”. The thesis cover must follow the official template (Please, refer to the attached document at the bottom of this page).

Scientific Disciplinary Sector
PhD theses must indicate the acronym of their scientific disciplinary sector, according to the note issued by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) (ref. no. 1581 of July 26th 2005). Only the alphanumeric code is required (for example: MAT/01, ING-IND/19, M-FIL/06).
The submission process allows to indicate only the main one. Other possible scientific disciplinary sectors can be indicated in the note section.
A complete list of scientific disciplinary sectors is available at the link below:

Thesis embargo request
A thesis embargo request can be submitted only under specific conditions.
Please, read the sections “Tesi di dottorato e diritto d’autore” and “Embargo della tesi di dottorato” (Please, refer to the attached document at the bottom of this page).
The thesis embargo request form must be undersigned by the supervisor, and named “richiesta di embargo della tesi_(PhD student’s name and surname)”. (Please, refer to the attached document at the bottom of this page).

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