UniCa UniCa News Communication Study Plan Form - Deadline December 6th, 2019

Study Plan Form - Deadline December 6th, 2019

Autore dell'avviso: Giorgio Giacinto

20 November 2019
The form for submitting the proposal for the study plan is available in the website. it is mandatory for all students enrolled in the 2nd year to fill the form and submit it within the deadline following the instructions that are reported in the form.


The form for submitting the study plan is available in the page Teaching -> Forms.

The form is an excel file where you have to fill the proposed elective activities, as well as the optional activities that you have selected.

The form must be sent by email both in the excel format, and in the PDF format, the latter with the graphical signature of the student. The email addresses are reported in the "Instructions" sheet of the excel file

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