Gian Luca Marcialis

Laboratory of Image Processing for Computer Vision

B.Sc. in Biomedical Eng., Electronic, Computer Science, and Telecomm. Eng., Mechanical Eng., M.Sc. on Computer Eng., Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Eng.
07 March 2023

Contents: The laboratory aims to provide the student with an introductory overview of the techniques of acquisition and processing images for computerized vision applications. These applications range from improving quality to the detection of objects. The algorithms and methods explanation follows a "learning-by-doing" approach in the form of programming exercises, so that students can experience the practical experience of effects and differences between one operator and another

Pre-foundations: to profitably follow the seminar, it is advisable for the student to have the fundamental constructs of the programming or script languages (C, Python, Matlab).

Preparation courses with contents compatible with the topics covered: elements/foundations of computer science, programming foundations, advanced programming, and object programming languages.


  1. Introduction to the digital image processing (examples of application fields, elements of visual perception) 2h
  2. Acquisition (sampling and quantization) and property of digital images (relationship between pixels, image operators) 3h
  3. Filters in the domain of space and frequency 3h
  4. Morphological operators 2h
  5. Segmentation and basic elements of image recognition 2h

Method of delivery: in presence. The course is in English if students of non-Italian nationality participate.

Subscription: a link will be published with appropriate notice.


Compulsory presence at least 9 hours of lessons, and:

  • 1 CFU: carrying out a final test in the form of Python programming exercises.
  • 2 CFU: carrying out a project among those exemplified.
  • 2 CFU: request for the degree thesis (also a master's degree).

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