UniCa UniCa News Communication Final examinations in January 2020 - Cycle XXXII: Examination Boards and dissertation defense calendar for the award of PhD degree

Final examinations in January 2020 - Cycle XXXII: Examination Boards and dissertation defense calendar for the award of PhD degree

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

10 December 2019
Cycle XXXII - Academic Year 2018/2019, 1st examination session (January 2020)


Dissertation defense calendar and Rector's Decrees appointing the Examiners for the award of PhD degree

Rector's Decree no. 1325/2019 of 21st November 2019 - Appointment of Examination Boards:
PhD programme in History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies


- Euromediterranean Historical Studies, from Ancient to Contemporary Age

- International Area Studies. History, Spaces and Society

20th January 2020

09:30 a.m.
Aula Motzo, 2° floor of the Faculty of Humanities, via Is Mirrionis 1, Cagliari

- International Area Studies. History, Spaces and Society

- Archaeological, Artistic, Cinema and Music Heritage

21st January 2020

09:30 a.m.
Aula Motzo, 2° floor of the Faculty of Humanities, via Is Mirrionis 1, Cagliari


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