UniCa UniCa News Communication Cycle XXXIII and XXXIV - Award of PhD degree, Academic Year 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 - FEBRUARY 2022

Cycle XXXIII and XXXIV - Award of PhD degree, Academic Year 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 - FEBRUARY 2022

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

13 January 2022
Final Examinations in February 2022: Deadlines to submit the applications for the Final Examination and upload the PhD thesis - PhD programme in Physics, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Molecular and Translational Medicine, Neuroscience, History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies, Philological and Literary, Historical and Cultural Studies. Update of 20th January 2022: PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Architecture - Final Examination and Rector's Decrees appointing the Examination Committees. Update of 7th February 2022: Final examination of the PhD programme in History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies - Area Studies - new time


Publication of 13th January 2022

Update of 20th January 2022: PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Architecture - Final Examination and Rector's Decree appointing the Examination Committee

Update of 7th February 2022: Final examination of the PhD programme in History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies - Area Studies - new time

Application to be admitted to dissertation and thesis upload
PhD students are allowed to submit the application to obtain their PhD degree and archive their thesis only online, by entering their personal page on UniCa website at: https://unica.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do. Please, follow the guidelines below:
(ref. to the document attached at the bottom of this page)

The correct denominations of PhD programmes, in Italian and English, are available at: unica.it - Elenco dei corsi di dottorato


Within 15 days before the date of the thesis defence, applicants MUST:

  1. Submit the application to obtain their PhD degree
  2. Upload their thesis
  3. Pay the stamp duty (EUR 16.00)
PhD Programme

Deadline (PhD degree application and thesis upload)

Date, time and place
Physics (Cycle XXXIV) 31.1.2022

2.2.2022 h 14:00

Online through Microsoft Teams (click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

Civil Engineering and Architecture (NOP R&I - Cycle XXXIII and joint supervision of PhD thesis with Universidade de Lisboa) 3.2.2022

18.2.2022 h 10:00

Online through Microsoft Teams (click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

Electronic and Computer Engineering (Cycle XXXIV) 3.2.2022

18.2.2022 h 9:00

Online through Microsoft Teams

(click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

Mathematics and Computer Science (Cycle XXXIV)


25.2.22 h 9:00

Online through Microsoft Teams and in person at Aula Magna - Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science

(click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

Molecular and Translational Medicine (Cycle XXXIV)


24.2.2022 h 9:30

Online through Microsoft Teams

(click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

Neuroscience (Cycle XXXIII and XXXIV)


1.2.2022 h 10:00

Online through Microsoft Teams

(click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies - Curriculum "Euromediterranean Historical Studies"

(Cycle XXXIII and XXXIV)


18.2.2022 ore 9:00

Online through Microsoft Teams (click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

History, Cultural Heritage and International Studies - Curriculum "Area Studies"

(Cycle XXXIII)


21.2.2022 ore 12:00

Online through Microsoft Teams (click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)

Philological and Literary, Historical and Cultural Studies (Cycle XXXIV) 1.2.2022

16.2.2022 h 9:00

Online through Microsoft Teams and in person at Aula Motzo - Facoltà di Studi umanistici (Polo Sa Duchessa)

(click on the Italian version of this notice to join the virtual meeting room)



PhD thesis
The PhD thesis must be uploaded in a single PDF file, including its cover, not exceeding 50 MB. Uploading a thesis divided into multiple files is not allowed. The name of the file must be "tesi di dottorato_name and surname of the PhD student”.
The cover of the thesis will follow the format available below.
The academic year of the dissertation is 2019/2020 for NOP RI scholarship recipients of Cycle XXXIII, and 2020/2021 for Cycle XXXIV PhD students.
ATTENTION! Changing the academic year is not possible. 

Scientific Disciplinary Sector
The cover of the PhD thesis must indicate the code of its Scientific Disciplinary Sector, as requested by the Ministry of University and Research with notice no. 1581 of 26th July 2005. It is necessary to indicate only the alpha-numeric code (for example, MAT/01, ING-IND/19, M-FIL/06).
During the online submission, it will be possible to enter only the main SDS. The secondary SDSs could be entered in the section dedicated to the notes. 
The complete list of the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors is available at https://www.miur.it/UserFiles/115.htm

Request for thesis embargo
The request for the thesis embargo can be submitted only in case of specific conditions. See the link “PhD thesis and copyright" (available only in Italian) and the document and "Definition of embargo" below.
The request form, available below, must be signed by the thesis supervisor and named “richiesta di embargo della tesi_name and surname of the PhD student”.

Specific requirements for PhD students with a NOP RI scholarship
Those PhD students who received a scholarship funded by the National Operational Programme Research and Innovation 2014-2020, so as to comply with the requirements of publicity detailed in paragraph no. 2.2 of Annex XII of Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013 on "Information and communication measures for the public", have to complete the last page of their PhD thesis with the official logos of the programme and the specific wording. Further information is available in the file "Indicazioni dottorandi/e assegnatari/e di borsa di studio PON RI”, attached to this notice.

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