UniCa UniCa News Communication AWARD OF PhD SCHOLARSHIPS - Cycle XXXV Academic Year 2019/2020

AWARD OF PhD SCHOLARSHIPS - Cycle XXXV Academic Year 2019/2020

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

04 December 2019
Rector's Decrees for the award of PhD scholarships and instructions on how to receive them



Rector's Decree no. 1367 of 4.12.2019 - PhD scholarships financed with funds of the University of Cagliari

Rector's Decree no. 1369 of 4.12.2019 - PhD scholarships financed with postgraduate funds of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, awarded to the University of Cagliari

Rector's Decree no. 1372 of 4.12.2019 - PhD scholarships financed with funds of P.O.R. Sardegna F.S.E. 2014-2020

Rector's Decree no. 1373 of 4.12.2019 - PhD scholarships financed with funds of the University of Cagliari, reserved to foreign students

Rector's Decree no. 1374 of 4.12.2019 - PhD scholarships financed with funds of other institutions/authorities

Rector's Decree no. 1375 of 4.12.2019 - PhD scholarships financed with postgraduate funds of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, awarded to the University of Cagliari and reserved to foreign PhD students

According to the article 10 of the Rector's Decree no. 837 issued on 23rd July 2019 (Notice of competition for the admission to PhD programmes), exceeding the income limit will result in the loss of the scholarship and will imply the duty to give back the monthly payments already received for a specific year.

The Rector's Decrees on the award of NOP R&I scholarships will be published soon.


Scholarships are annual and can be renewed provided that the PhD student has completed the programme of activities for the previous year, verified by the Academic Board. Scholarships will be paid through monthly deferred payments. 

To start the payment procedure, PhD students have to:

  • insert the payment details on their personal webpage (see the instructions on how to insert the bank details) within 6th December 2019;
  • sign up for the INPS "Gestione separata". PhD students can sign up following the online procedure available at www.inps.it. The online procedure requires an Italian fiscal code and a PIN code, so the first step will be asking for a PIN code and then going on with the online registration for the INPS "Gestione separata".

ATTENTION! During the registration PhD students will be asked to indicate the starting date of their activity: 1st October 2019 (or the enrolment date, if the PhD Office enrolled them after scrolling down the ranking list of eligible candidates).

If a registration to the INPS "Gestione separata" has already been done, PhD students don't have to register again.

  • send an e-mail to the PhD Office at dottoratiemaster@unica.it (object: borsa di studio XXXV ciclo – name and surname), within 9th December 2019 attaching:
  1. personal data form
  2. income situation forms
  3. copy of ID/passport
  4. copy of Italian fiscal code

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