UniCa EDUC Opportunità Opportunità per docenti Unica Collaborazioni di didattica 19.11.2024 - Jaume I (Humanities / Education) / Richiesta collaborazione Empowering Education Through Service-Learning

19.11.2024 - Jaume I (Humanities / Education) / Richiesta collaborazione Empowering Education Through Service-Learning

Jaume I - Looking for a partner interested in collaborating on setting up a joint programme

University: Jaume I

Lead teacher(s): Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, María Maravé-Vivas, Celina Salvador-Garcia

Emailochiva@uji.es, marave@uji.es, salvadoc@uji.es

Discipline: Humanities / Education

Description: Service-Learning is a pedagogical approach built upon social justice and promoting inclusion that seeks to develop academic and personal skills in the participating students while meeting a social need. This teacher development course aims to encourage reflection upon the potential of Service-Learning as a pedagogical tool and its capacity to promote social justice. Participants will get to know the theoretical and practical foundations of Service-Learning. The course will present different modalities of Service-Learning through the examination of a number of examples. Finally, students will design and share their own Service-Learning proposals adapted to their specific cultural and contextual settings.

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Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione contattare l'Ufficio EDUC: educ@unica.it 

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