UniCa EDUC Opportunità Opportunità per docenti Unica Collaborazioni di didattica 06.12.2024 - Rennes (Humanities / Education / Intercultural communication) / Richiesta collaborazione blended course

06.12.2024 - Rennes (Humanities / Education / Intercultural communication) / Richiesta collaborazione blended course

Rennes - Looking for a partner interested in collaborating on setting up a blended course

University: Rennes

Lead teacher(s): -


Discipline: Humanities / Education / Intercultural communication

DescriptionThis project is meant to enhance students’ intercultural awareness and improve their communication skills by exchanging with students from other universities through virtual exchanges. Looking for  a Language teacher (French or English) / Teacher of intercultural communication.

Overall learning objectives:

  • · To dispel, by working together, the self-centred perceptions of the respective environments and contexts.
  • · To develop positive attitudes towards other cultures
  • · To improve their fluency in English and French

Through different kind of activites: creating posters, articles, solving case studies, sharing ideas on various topics.

Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione contattare l'Ufficio EDUC: educ@unica.it 

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