Bioelectrochemical devices for energy harvesting and sensing applications
24 July 2017

Nell’ambito del Programma “Visiting Professor 2017"

finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna


La Prof.ssa Mirella Di Lorenzo

Department of Chemical Engineering

(University of Bath)


il 24 luglio alle ore 11.00, nell'aula aula G.Mura al piano terra del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica Chimica e dei Materiali in piazza D'Armi (edificio ex ing. Chimica) terrà un seminario dal titolo:


Bioelectrochemical devices for energy harvesting and sensing applications



Prof. Di Lorenzo is an associate professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering and currently Director of Postgraduate Studies for the Department of Chemical Engineering. Her goal is to develop low cost and sustainable bioelectrochemical devices for energy harvesting from wastewaters, water quality monitoring and wearable healthcare sensors. She is currently involved in international collaborations with Latin America with research activities focused on the design and development of low cost and self-powered sensors for the at-site and real time monitoring of pollutants in water.


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