Neo-Liberalism’s ‘war on young people’: What hope for education and social justice?
01 June 2017

Il Visiting Professor Peter Kelly (RMIT University) sarà relatore durante la conferenza:

What education for a post-globalized world?
Can social justice, democracy and cooperation once again become the keywords of a new social and educational paradigm?
Cagliari JUNE 1st 2017
h. 15,30– 19,30
Aula Motzo – Facoltà di studi umanistici
Via Is Mirrionis 1
Marco Pitzalis, CIRD, University of Cagliari.
Diane Reay, Professor of Education. University of Cambridge
Addressing Educational Inequalities : Cautionary Lessons from a Post-Brexit, Austerity Britain.
Peter Kelly, Director, Centre for Education, Training and Work in the Asian Century
Neo-Liberalism’s ‘war on young people’: What hope for education and social justice?
Giuliana Mandich (Professor of Sociology, University of Cagliari)

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