Doing anthropological research
26 April 2012


Facoltà di Scienze Politiche
Il Dr Joost Fontein, University of Edinburgh, UK terrà i seguenti seminari nella sala riunioni, primo piano alle ore 16,00:
Thursday 26th April - Anthropological Research Methods
Doing anthropological research
Friday 27th April  - Memory, Landscape, and Materiality
Landscapes of Memory & the Past
Thursday 3rd May - Memory, Landscape, and Materiality
Materiality, Materials & Bones
Friday 4th May - Anthropological Research Methods
Doing ethnographic fieldwork
Wednesday 9th May
Re-making the dead, uncertainty and the torque of human materials in northern Zimbabwe
Per info:
Isabella Soi, PhD
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e delle Istituzioni V.le S. Ignazio 78
09123 Cagliari - Italy

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