Ciclo di lezioni del Dr. Pavel Laskov (Universitat Tubingen, Germania)
23 March 2012
Ciclo di lezioni del Dr. Pavel Laskov (Universitat Tubingen, Germania)
Dal 23 al 30 marzo 2012 il Visiting Professor Dr. Pavel Laskov (Universitat Tubingen, Germania) terrà un ciclo di lezioni  sul tema “Machine Learning for Computer Security”. Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare ai quattro appuntamenti, in programma nell’Aula "Mocci" (Padiglione A) del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica con il seguente calendario:
  • 23 marzo, venerdì - orario: 10:00-12:00
    Introduction to intrusion detection: Taxonomy: net/host. Host IDS: early approaches. Network IDS: feature extraction. Signature-based IDS.
  • 26 marzo, lunedì - orario: 15:00-17:00
    Anomaly detection for network security: Early approaches (packet headers, PAYL, Anagram). Payload based approach. Applications (ReMIND experiments, SCADA systems)
  • 28 marzo, orario, mercoledì - 15:00-17:00
    Classification for network security. Early approaches. Why it is difficult to use classification for IDS. Behavioral classification. Automatic signature generation. 
  • 30 marzo, venerdì - orario: 10:00-12:00
    Attacks against learning algorithms. Attack taxomony. Attacks against anagram. Attacks against automatic signature generation.
pavel LaskovPAVEL LASKOV. Since April 2009 Dr. Laskov holds a Heisenberg Fellowship from the German Science Foundation (DFG). His current work at the University of Tübingen focuses on reactive information security methods whose main goal is to understand and prevent exploitation of security vulnerabilites. Before moving to Tübingen, he was a senior researcher at Fraunhofer Institute FIRST in Berlin, supervising projects in the field of machine learning based intrusion detection. Dr. Laskov recieved a Diplom in computer engineering from the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation (Russia) and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Delaware (USA).
Prof. Giorgio Giacinto         
Dip. Ing. Elettrica ed Elettronica dell’Università di Cagliari
tel: 070 675 5752 - fax: 070 675 5782 -

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