30 November 2010

Il Prof. Peter Matyus, della Semmelweis University di Budapest terra due cicli di seminari per gli studenti della scuola di dottorato in scienze e tecnologie chimiche e farmaceutiche.

L’invito è esteso a tutti gli studenti delle scuole di dottorato

Il primo ciclo avrà inizio il giorno Giovedi 9 dicembre alle ore 16 presso
il Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico con la lezione: Cyloaddition

Il ciclo di seminari proseguirà secondo lo schema seguente:

Short Courses

Péter Mátyus
Visiting Professor, University Cagliari

Winter Course
Advanced Organic Chemistry
C-C Bond Formation - from Classics to Modern Art

Summer Course
Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
The Role of Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Research

Winter Course
C-C Bond Formation - from Classics to Modern Art
(On the way to heterocyclic systems)

1. Part A. Cyloaddition reactions.
Part B. Focus on the Diels-Alder reaction.

2. Part A. Rearrangement reactions.
Part B. From 1,5 hydrogen shift to tert-amino effect.

3. Part A. Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions.
Part B. Application to diazines.

4. Own case studies on syntheses of biologically active compounds.
Part A. Lego-chemistry with pyridazine building blocks toward biologically active compounds.
Part B. Synthesis of phenanthrenes and aza analogues.

Summer course
The Role of Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Research

1. General overview of Drug Innovation.
2. Focus on Lead Finding and Optimization.
Part A. Classical approaches.
Part B. Design activity with appropriate ADMET profile.
2. Case Studies on
i) Anti-HIV drug: from bench-side to the market
ii) Amine-oxidase (SSAO and MAO B) inhibitors: from pathomechanism to the drug candidate.Mostra tutto

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