Astrophysics of Compact Objects
15 October 2009
Facoltà di Scienze
Dipartimento di Fisica
A partire da giovedì 15 Ottobre, ore 11,00, in aula D presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, il Dr. Sergei Popov, Senior Researcher, Relativistic Astrophysics Department,Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia, terrà un ciclo di seminari dal titolo:
Astrophysics of Compact Objects
I seminari seguiranno il seguente calendario:
lunedi’ ore 15:00, aula D;
mercoledi’ ore 15:00, aula D;
giovedi’ ore 11:00, aula D.
Di seguito e’ riassunta, per sommi capi, una lista degli argomenti affrontati: Basics of neutron stars statistics in the Galaxy, Basic facts about the internal structure of compact objects, Measuring neutron star masses and radii, Exotic matter inside compact objects (quark stars etc.), Binary pulsars Observational appearance of isolated neutron stars, recent discoveries (-central compact objects-The Magnificent Seven-magnetars-RRATs), Magneto-rotational evolution of neutron stars, Magnetic field decay and its role in neutron star evolution, Kicks of neutron stars, Accreting isolated neutron stars, Thermal evolution of isolated neutron stars, Thermal properties of neutron stars in transient X-ray binaries, Thermal emission of isolated neutron stars, Atmospheres, Magnetars (SGRs and AXPs) and their relation to other types of neutron stars, Population synthesis of neutron stars (-Radio pulsar population synthesis-Isolated cooling neutron stars population synthesis-Old neutron stars population synthesis), Formation of stellar mass black holes, Black holes in binary systems, Evolution in close binary systems (-Population synthesis of binaries), Supermassive black holes, Binary black holes and their coalescence, gravitational waves, Jets from black holes, Lensing effects around black holes, spectral lines, Isolated stellar mass black holes (-accretion-ravitational lensing), Observational tests for the existence of black hole horizons.
Per informazioni contattare
Prof. Luciano Burderi


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