Dal 7 all’11 settembre a Chia Laguna i seminari "Current Environmental Issues"
26 August 2009

Dal 7 all’11 settembre a Chia Laguna i seminari del corso estivo "Current Environmental Issues" 
CHIA LAGUNA: Summer School "Current Environmental Issues" (photo: http://www.chialagunaresort.it)
Cagliari, 25 agosto 2009 (unicaweb) -
Dal 7 all’11 settembre le università di Cagliari, Aveiro (Portogallo), Pushchino (Russia) e l’
Ecole Nationale de l’Industrie Minérale (Marocco) organizzano a Chia Laguna i seminari:
Summer School "Current Environmental Issues" in the framework of the International PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering to be held in Chia Laguna

September, 2009 Meeting in Cagliari, Sardinia
Monday, September 7 to Friday, September 11, 2009 

SEMINAR 1 – Kyoto Treaty and Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM)
Tuesday, 8 September, 2009 (11:00 – 13:00)
The lecture will present the generalities of the process of clean development mechanisms with a case study on how to present a project as a CDM project following the UNFCC guidelines.

PROFESSOR Mostafa Maalmi maalmi@enim.ac.ma
Prof.  Mostafa MAALMI is professor and chairman of Industrial Process Engineering at National School of Mineral Industry. Main research interests include gas-solid systems, modeling ans simulation of indsutrial processes, Economics of industrial processes, transport phenomena,  water treatment and pollution control in industry, renewable energy and clean development mechanisms.

Tuesday, 8 September, 2009 (15:30 – 17:30)
Air quality modeling: scales of application and type of models. Meteorological and chemical models: input data (emissions, topography, land use, et al) and output data (pollutants deposition and concentration fields).
Application examples: environmental impact assessment studies and linking urban structure/development to air quality.

PROFESSOR Alexandra Monteiro (Alexandra.monteiro@ua.pt)
Alexandra Monteiro is an Invited Professor at the Department of Environment and Planning at the University of Aveiro . She is member of the Research Group on Emissions, Modelling and Climate Change (GEMAC). Her research interests include air quality modelling, forest fire studies, mesoscale and regional meteorological modelling, urban air quality and climate change.

SEMINAR 3 - Water Management and Spatial Planning
Wednesday, 9 September 2009 (11:00 – 13:00)
The seminar will focus on the interrelationship between the different levels of intervention concerning water policy and management. Different perspectives and approaches will be addressed, taking into account citizenship and participatory needs which follow the Istanbul compromises (5th World Water Forum 16-22 March, 2009 http://www.worldwaterforum5.org/

PROFESSOR: Filomena Maria Cardoso Pedrosa Ferreira Martins, filomena@ua.pt
Research interests are in the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) soil use changes, citizenship and participation, conservation of natural and cultural heritage, environmental education and training, environmental impact assessment studies, sustainable development and Agenda 21.

SEMINAR 4: Best Available Techniques (BAT) for soil remediation.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009 (15:30 – 17:30)
Soil remediation is acquiring more and more importance all over the world and in particular in Europe . There are two main ways for soil remediation: in-situ technologies or ex-situ technologies. A short description of both types of BAT technologies will be presented. Legal and economical aspects will be considered. A comparison among technologies will be done. The technical part of the lecture will focusing on the soil washing as an extremely versatile technique following old and very well known mineral processing technologies.

PROFESSOR: Paolo Bevilacqua, paolo.bevilacqua@dicamp.units.it
Paolo Bevilacqua is associate professor at University of Trieste – . He is coordinator of Center Interdepartmental of Environment Management and Rehabilitation of the University of Trieste . His research covers solid waste treatment, soil pollution treatments, and mineral processing technologies. He is author of about 100 papers. He is owner of an international patent on a centrifugal device for plastic recycling

SEMINAR 5 - Genetically Modified Organisms 
Thursday 10 September, 2009 (11:00 – 13:00)
Genetically modified organisms (GMO), genetically engineered organisms
(GEO). Horizontal gene transfer. Genetic engineering-recombinant DNA
technology. Genetically engineered microorganisms. Transgenic plants and
animals. Gene therapy. Genetically modified food. Introduction or release of
GMO to the open environment. Environmental, social and ethical aspects.
Benefits and risk assessment. Future.

PROFESSOR: Alexander M. Boronin, boronin@ibpm.pushchino.ru
Biodegradation of different organic pollutants by microorganisms. Bacterial plasmids especially so called degradative plasmids which carry genetic systems controlling degradation of xenobiotics and study of these genetic systems. Microorganisms of rhizosphere especially rhizosphere plant growth promoting microorganisms. Plant-microbial interactions. Development of biopreparations for biocontrol plant diseases and for bioremediation. Development of bioremediation technologies.

SEMINAR 6 - Human exposure to air pollution and/or smoke from forest fires
Thursday, 10 September, 2009 (15:30 – 17:30)
Health effects of air pollutants. Human exposure definition and calculation. Examples of studies of air pollution human exposure. Forest fires: emissions and smoke; impact on air quality and human exposure. Characterization and estimation of forest fire emissions. Smoke dispersion. Human exposure to forest fires emissions - studies examples.

PROFESSOR : Alexandra Monteiro (Alexandra.monteiro@ua.pt)









Friday, 11 September, 2009 (11:00 – 13:00)
The lecture will discuss the current issues in Biodiversity Conservation in view of the Millenium goals which were set for 2010. The issues will include invasive and alien species, the valuation of biodiversity and other aspects of economic assessment for ecosystem services, as well as proposals to expand and improve the Natura 2000 network.




PROFESSOR: Georgia Valaoras, georgia.valaoras@astrale.org
Conservation management, certification systems for sustainability – applications to municipalities, universities, hospitals, industries, and others. Protected area management; ecotourism and other strategies to value biodiversity and bring income to local communities in the vicinity of protected areas. NATURA 2000 and EU Environmental legislation – implementation and policy implications. Risk assessment of chemical contamination in the environment; Mediterranean Agricultural systems.

SEMINAR 8 - Social perceptions, expectations and governance issues raised in the other seminars
Friday, 11 September, 2009 (15:30 – 17:30)
Taking in account the issues raised in the previous seminars we expect to focus on social perception of risk linked with genetically modified organisms, human exposure to air pollution, expectations raised by either, media and public policies. Demographic and socio-economical features linked with risk exposure and perception will be discussed.

PROFESSOR: Filomena Maria Cardoso Pedrosa Ferreira Martins, filomena@ua.pt









11:00 to 13:00 Morning session
15:30 to 17:30 Afternoon Session
Per maggiori informazioni contattare il prof. Giacomo Cao (email cao@visnu.dicm.unica.it - tel 070.675.5058 - fax 070.675.5057)









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