09 March 2009

Nell’ambito del programma “Visiting Professor 2008”, finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna e delle Scuole di dottorato in Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, in Ingegneria Industriale ed in Ingegneria del Territorio, il Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic (CIRRELT e Université du Québec à Montréal), svolgerà i seguenti seminari:

Lunedì 9 marzo, dalle 10:30 alle 13:30 aula Q, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Piazza d'Armi, Cagliari
Planning distribution systems I: Location and design
Many systems distribute goods or services defining significant application areas: passenger and freight transportation, logistics and supply networks, telecommunication, power and hydro production/distribution, and so on. Building models and methods for their strategic, tactical, and operational planning constitutes one of the most important research field and contribution of Operations Research. Each application area has its own technical, managerial, and customer-service characteristics and requirements, which determine the decision processes and "color" the corresponding operations research models. Yet, they all share a number of common structures reflected in a common set of models and methodological techniques, which shape the scope and contents of this two-part seminar. The first part is dedicated to models that support strategic, and sometimes tactical, planning issues. Using goods logistics as an illustration, we will examine a number of important location and network design models and discuss algorithmic avenues.
Mercoledì 11 marzo, dalle 10:30 alle 13:30 aula Q, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Piazza d'Armi, Cagliari
Planning distribution systems II: Routing
The second part of this brief overview of distribution-system planning is dedicated to the class of issues broadly identified as vehicle routing problems (VRP). We start  by defining the VRP and identifying major problem settings. We then focus on two major settings: the capacitated VRP and the VRP with time constraints (VRPTW). We present mathematical models and briefly discuss exact, heuristic, and meta-heuristics solution methods.
Teodor Gabriel Crainic, PhD, FRSC
Professor of Operations Research, Transportation, and Logistics, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Logistics Management, ESG UQAM Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory, Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT) Montreal, Canada
per informazioni:
Massimo Di Francesco, mdifrance@unica.it
Paola Zuddas, zuddas@unica.it

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