Seminario Crenos 2008
10 June 2008
Ciclo di Seminari CRENoS 2008
Martedì 10 giugno
Workshop on Trade and Productivity
9.30: Opening and welcome
9.45 - 13.15 Morning session
9.45 Jonathan Eaton (New York University)
Trade in time and space
10.45 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 Massimo Sbracia (Bank of Italy)
Trade revealed TFP (with A. Finicelli and P. Pagano)
12.15 Harald Fadinger (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Trade and sectoral productivity (with P. Fleiss)
13.15 14.30 Lunch break
14.30-18.00: Afternoon session
14.30 Richard Kneller (University of Nottingham)
Export barriers: what are they and who do they matter to? (with M. Pisu)
15.30 Massimo Del Gatto (University of Cagliari and CRENoS)
Trade integration, firm selection and the costs of non-Europe (with G.
Corcos, G. Mion and G. Ottaviano)
16.30 17.00 Coffee break
17.00 Mauro Pisu (National Bank of Belgium and University of Nottingham)
Dissecting the euro's effect on trade (with V. Nitsh)
18.00 Stephen Parente (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and CRENoS)
The evolution of markets and the revolution of industry (with K. Desmet)
(Tutte le presentazioni si svolgeranno in lingua inglese)
L'evento è co-finanziato dal Visiting Professor Program (Università di Cagliari). 
I lavori inizieranno alle 9.30 presso i locali della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche in via San Giorgio 12 (Ingresso 9) al III Piano, in Aula 4.

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