I primi corsi di didattica internazionale in collaborazione con le Università dell’Alleanza EDUC si sono conclusi con grande successo e partecipazione
10 June 2021

I primi corsi di didattica internazionale in collaborazione con le Università dell’Alleanza EDUC si sono conclusi con grande successo e partecipazione. Nella prima call sono stati selezionati 25 progetti volti a sperimentare scenari di mobilità e scambi virtuali per gli studenti (questo il link alle notizie precedenti). La seconda call è in valutazione e a breve saranno resi noti i progetti selezionati che andranno a rafforzare l’offerta didattica e renderanno possibile il coinvolgendo coinvolgimento di un numero più ampio di docenti e studenti.

Si ricorda che questi corsi prevedono la collaborazione tra docenti appartenenti ad almeno due differenti Università EDUC e mirano a promuovere cambiamenti sia sotto il profilo formativo (per studenti e docenti), sia sotto il profilo dei processi e delle strutture organizzative dedicate, sviluppando diverse opportunità di apprendimento e di insegnamento.

In particolare, il corso guidato dall’Università di Cagliari dal titolo “Irony from the Perspective of Experimental Pragmatics”, coordinato dalla prof.ssa Francesca Ervas del Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia, si è appena concluso. Il corso ha previsto una collaborazione con la prof.ssa Susanna Schnell dell’Università di Pécs e, attraverso un percorso di 10 settimane, ha coinvolto 44 studenti di Cagliari e di Pécs . Il tema del corso sono stati gli approcci sperimentali e teorici dell’ironia, e sono stati trattati temi trasversali di filosofia linguistica, psicolinguistica, linguaggi della comunicazione e teorie della comunicazione. Gli studenti hanno avuto l’opportunità di lavorare in un ambiente internazionale e multiculturale usando l’inglese come lingua veicolare per la condivisione di opinioni, concetti e sfumature linguistiche. Alla fine del corso i partecipanti hanno fornito ottimi feedback pieni di entusiasmo e apprezzamento.

In risposta ai diversi commenti la Professoressa Ervas ha dichiarato “ Mi trovo assolutamente d'accordo con i ragazzi sull'utilità e bellezza dell'iniziativa, sul valore didattico e interculturale che ha avuto per i partecipanti, insegnanti incluse, in un momento difficile per tutti, in cui sarebbe stato davvero impossibile organizzare un'esperienza del genere. Personalmente, l'esperienza mi ha arricchito da un punto di vista sia professionale che umano, spero tanto che possa essere ripetuta in futuro”.

Ecco alcune testimonianze dei partecipanti:  

  • This is a very good course that we can study and communicate with people from other countries; we learned and had a group work; Everyone was so friendly, especially the teamwork we did was so successful, and we shared our own ideas, gave advice to each other.
  • I really enjoyed participating in the classes. I found it very interesting to participate in multicultural classes and to get to know different cultures.  I also really liked the structure of the lessons, first explanation, a breakout room session and then evaluation. I also found it interesting that the subject of the exam is so topical and that you learn more about how other countries deal with the corona virus and how they feel about it. What I found surprising was despite the fact that it is online, the communication was good and that you also had really good contact in the breakout rooms.
  • This course was a great experience for me, because I have never had this kind of opportunity before. It was a pleasure to meet and work with people from other countries and learn many cultural aspects I didn't know so far, everyone was very kind and friendly.
  • I found fascinating the intercultural communication. I think it was really colourful and informative.
  • The EDUC project was a great challenge for me and a great opportunity to get involved. The friendly and non-rigid atmosphere was an incentive to feel united by a love of knowledge. The multicultural point of view and the group work gave this university project a contagious and inviting liveliness. The initial limitation of the English language was overcome beyond all expectations and provided an opportunity for human and cultural comparisons that connected me with the world. From Cagliari, to Budapest, to China, everything seemed simple and in perfect harmony. I can only thank Professor Schnell for the friendliness and encouraging smiles she lavished on us and Professor Ervas for believing in us beyond our own expectations.
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed this course, but there obviously were certain classes that I absolutely loved; I am referring in particular to those on visual metaphors, autism, and the use of metaphors in politics. More in general, this course has given me a great opportunity to compare my approach to that of students of other universities and be exposed to teaching methods and approaches different from those I was used to. I believe the study of pragmatics is crucial in this field, and being able to study it in a common language has allowed us students to enjoy a true cultural exchange, with meetings that gave us the opportunity to underscore commonalities and differences in sayings and expressions in our respective languages. I truly hope this course will be delivered in this way for next years’ students as well, as it is the best way to understand the subject.
  • The EDUC course was a wonderful experience that allowed me and my classmates to improve ourselves from several points of view. It was a course that made it possible to improve communication and interaction skills, an experience that allows us to learn many cultural aspects, a new way of teaching! Thanks for this wonderful experience!
  • I think this course had what a lot of courses did not. I am talking about the way the teachers made it so interactive, making the classes really intriguing. I am studying psychology and yet this course had so much to offer. New knowledge, new information. And the fact that it was integrated and so international, made it even more enjoyable. I really liked it, thank you for the opportunity.
  • The EDUC project was really interesting! I would like to share one of the memorable lessons of the course for me. The first lesson was absolutely surprising because I didn't expect to speak in English with a few people in a small classroom. It was a great experience because I think it's an incredible opportunity to learn to converse with other people in another language but also to know the customs of different countries. I think it's very important to organize a project like this within the university to give everyone the opportunity to get involved, through communication, in another language with new people.

A questo link le testimonianze in versione integrale degli studenti:


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