La Cittadella dei Musei ospita la terza Conferenza di pragmatica sperimentale. Sessioni con esperti di fama internazionale, quali Deirdre Wilson, Martin Pickering, Curtenay Norbury e Raymond Gibbs. Per UniCa l’organizzazione è coordinata da Francesca Ervas, professoressa di Filosofia del Linguaggio in forza al Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia
16 September 2019 2019, il 19 e 20 settembre nelle sale universitarie della Cittadella dei Musei di piazza Arsenale 1 a Cagliari

Il convegno 2019 è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia dell’Università di Cagliari con il sostegno della Fondazione di Sardegna e della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna


Come riusciamo a cogliere l’umorismo o il significato di un gioco di parole? In che modo riusciamo a seguire un dialogo in diversi contesti sociali? Come si sviluppa la capacità dei bambini di comprendere l’ironia? Quali sono i meccanismi cerebrali che ci permettono di capire una metafora? Perché alcuni pazienti hanno difficoltà a capire il significato implicito?

A queste e altre domande cercheranno di rispondere i 64 relatori della terza Conferenza di pragmatica sperimentale 2019, che si terrà il 19 e il 20 settembre nell'aula Roberto Coroneo della Cittadella dei Musei. Le sessioni saranno aperte da quattro esperti di fama internazionale in pragmatica sperimentale, provenienti da Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna: Deirdre Wilson (University College London), Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh), Courtenay Norbury (University College London) e Raymond Gibbs (Cognitive Scientist and former Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz).


L'organizzazione del convegno

L’evento e il coordinamento del simposio è presieduto da un comitato nazionale formato da Francesca Ervas (Università di Cagliari e Institut Jean Nicod, ENS, France - nella foto a lato), Valentina Bambini (IUSS Pavia) e Filippo Domaneschi (Università di Genova).

Oltre a Francesca Ervas, a livello locale l’organizzazione ha impegnato in particolare lo staff di docenti e studiosi formato da Barnali Chaudhary, Roberta Cocco, Roberta Fadda, Rachele Fanari, Elisabetta Gola, Alice Guerrieri, Amitash Ojha, Maria Grazia Rossi, Antonio Ledda, Antonio Pierro, Pietro Salis, Giuseppe Sergioli, Pietro Storari e Daniela Francesca Virdis.



Francesca Ervas (info:
Francesca Ervas (info:

Programma 2019

THURSDAY, September 19
9:00 - 9:45 Registration and Welcoming
9:45 - 10:00 Introduction
Chair: Francesca Ervas
10:00 - 11:00 Deirdre Wilson (Invited speaker) Understanding metonymy
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 11:50 Simona Di Paola, Eleonora Marocchini, Marco Mazzone and Filippo Domaneschi 'Some words are mosquitos in the night' - Literalness in metaphor interpretation
11:50 - 12:10 Giorgio Arcara, Silvia Di Tomasso, Elisabetta Tonini, Stefano Vicentin, Francesco Piccione and Valentina Bambini P600 in Metaphor comprehension is mostly associated with activation in the left hemisphere: a MEG study
12:10 - 12:30 Paola Del Sette, Federica Bianco, Chiara Basile, Elisabetta Tonini, Valentina Bambini and Serena Lecce Investigating the relationship between theory of mind and metaphor understanding: A training study
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Chair: Filippo Domaneschi
14:00 - 15:00 Martin Pickering (Invited speaker) Understanding dialogue: Language use and social interaction
15:00 - 15:20 Nicole Gotzner and Diana Mazzarella
Politeness and negative strengthening
15:20 - 15:40 Lea Fricke, Carla Bombi, Malte Zimmermann and Edgar Onea New evidence for intermediate exhaustive readings of wh-questions
15:40 - 16:00 John Michael Tomlinson and Ina Baier When do turn-taking gaps become meaningful
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:00 - 17:30 Poster Session
Chair: Elisabetta Gola
17:30 - 17:50 Maria Spychalska Order and relevance: Revising temporal structures
17:50 - 18:10 Joanna Blochowiak, Cristina Grisot and Liesbeth Degand Is 'car' more objective after all? An experimental investigation and corpus-based analysis of French causal connectives 'car' and 'parce que'
18:10 - 18:30 Fredrik Heinat and Eva Klingvall Quantifying expressions and the processing of anaphoric reference

FRIDAY, September 20

Chair: Valentina Bambini
9:10 - 10:10 Courtenay Norbury (Invited speaker)? Connections between Pragmatics and structural language skills in typical and atypical development
10:10 - 10:30 Franziska Köder and Ingrid Lossius Falkum Speaking ironically: Does tone of voice influence children's understanding?
10:30 - 10:50 Francesca Panzeri, Sara Cavicchiolo, Beatrice Giustolisi, Paola Ajmone, Paola Vizziello, Veronica Donnini and Umberto Ambrosetti Irony comprehension in children with cochlear implants
10:50 - 11:10 Maria Garraffa and Francesca La Morgia Pragmatic abilities in young adults bilingual speakers with a minority language: profiling linguistics competence and bilingual experience

11:10-11:40 Coffee break

11:10 - 12:30 Pre-Registration Poster Session

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Chair: Maria Grazia Rossi
14:00 - 15:00 Raymond Gibbs (Invited speaker) The past, the present, and the future of Experimental Pragmatics: A very personal view
15:00 - 15:20 Marta Bosia, Giulia Agostoni, Luca Bischetti, Margherita Bechi, Mariachiara Buonocore, Roberto Cavallaro, Serena Lecce and Valentina Bambini Seriously funny jokes to investigate humor understanding and appreciation in schizophrenia
15:20 - 15:40 Luca Bischetti, Paolo Canal, Chiara Bertini, Irene Ricci, Serena Lecce and Valentina Bambini P600 differences in joke processing: types of incongruity and Theory of Mind
15:40 - 16:00 Francesca Marina Bosco, Dize Hilviu, Ilaria Gabbatore and Alberto Parol Pragmatic assessment in healthy aging: A cognitive approach

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break

Chair: Filippo Domaneschi
16:30 - 16:50 Marta Tagliani, Chiara Melloni, Denis Delfitto and Daniele Panizza The saliency of the mentioned argument facilitates the processing of negation: A Visual World study
16:50 - 17:10 Alberto Parola and Francesca M. Bosco An eye-tracking investigation of the cognitive processes involved in comprehension of simple and complex communicative acts
17:10 - 17:30 Greta Mazzaggio, Anne Reboul, Chiara Caretta, Mélody Darblade, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Anne Cheylus and Penka Stateva On the cost of scalar implicatures: An eye-tracking study
17:30 - 17:50 Daniele Panizza and Maik Thalmann Adults are not always faster than children. An eye-tracking study on the online comprehension of indirect scalar implicatures

17:50-18:10 Break and Meeting of the Award Committee

18:10 - 18:30 Announcement of the Award Recipient and of the next Events


- Elisabetta Tonini, Paola Del Sette, Federica Bianco, Paolo Canal, Serena Lecce and Valentina Bambini “The parrot knows its speech by heart”: The role of ToM in children’s metaphor comprehension in referential contexts
- Claudia Roberta Combei, Lucia Busso and Ottavia Tordini Discourses of violence: corpus-based investigations of women representations in Italian media
Aaron Shield and Greta Mazzaggio What a pro-drop language can tell us about pronouns’ use in high-functioning ASD children: the case of Italian
- Barnali Chaudhary, Elisabetta Gola and Francesca Ervas Humor in Visual mode
- Dize Hilviu, Alberto Parola, Patrizia Consolino and Francesca Bosco Communicative-pragmatic ability development in children with Cochlear Implants
- Ricardo Garcia, Guillermo Soto, Francisco Aliste, Sergio Astroza and Albert Astudillo Social cognition and pragmatic abilities in the first episode of schizophrenia: a neuropsychological study
- Valentina Cuccio, Martina Montalti and Vittorio Gallese On the embodiment of negation
- Greta Mazzaggio, Eleonora Marocchini, Simona Di Paola and Filippo Domaneschi Indirect Speech Acts in High Functioning Autism
- Josh Reed and Adina Camelia Bleotu Strict quantifier spreading readings vary with manner of presentation, but not with changes in color or size
- Elena Albu Not Known: Anonymous, Unknown or Non-known? Remarks on the Interpretation of Negated Absolute Adjectives
- Adina Camelia Bleotu What coloring can tell us about the acquisition of scalar epistemic adverbs in Child Romanian
- Giulia Agostoni, Luca Bischetti, Margherita Bechi, Mariachiara Buonocore, Roberto Cavallaro, Serena Lecce, Valentina Bambini and Marta Bosia Physical and mental metaphor interpretation: Relationship with Theory of Mind in patients affected by schizophrenia
- Yui Miura Children’s interpretation of conventionalized pragmatic marker: A case of Japanese restrictive particle dake
- Viviana Haase, Maria Spychalska and Markus Werning Investigating the comprehension of negated sentences employing world knowledge: an event-related potential study
- Chiara Mazzocconi, Gulun Jin, Judit Gervain, Sophie K. Scott and Jonathan Ginzburg Laughter processing in conversation: a pilot f-NIRS study
- Tamar Kalandadze, Johan Braeken, Cecilia Brynskov and Kari-Anne Bottegaard Næss Difficulties in Metaphor Comprehension: A Hallmark of Autism Spectrum Disorder or of Poor Structural Language Ability?
- Jonathon Coltz, Dustin Chacón, Jason Overfelt and Brian Reese Particles and polarity in ‘bad’ and ‘good’ Hurford Conditionals
- Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt, Maik Thalmann and Daniele Panizza On the role of distribuitivity in the online comprehension of VP-conjunction
- Mingya Liu and Paola Gega Multiple Sources of Imprecision in Numerical Expressions
- Roberta Cocco, Antonio Pierro and Francesca Ervas An argumentative approach to the affective aspects of irony production vs. understanding

- Mirella Manfredi, Alice Mado Proverbio, Lucas Murrins Martin, Beatriz Ribeiro, Letícia Yumi Nakao Morello and Paulo Sergio Boggio Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of MPFC enhances humor comprehension

- Anton Benz and Nicole Gotzner Embedded implicatures in comprehension and production


- Juliane Schwab, Mingya Liu and Jutta L. Mueller Expectation-based sentence processing in prospective NPI licensing
- Chiara Calderone, Lara Mantovan, Beatrice Giustolisi and Francesca Panzeri How to recognize ironic remarks. The role of non-manual markers, corporal expressions and prosody
- Alberto Parola, Francesca M. Bosco and Riccardo Fusaroli Modelling Vocal Expression in Schizophrenia (MOVES)
- Kevin Demiddele, Tom Heyman and Walter Schaeken The processing costs of “to the left of” versus “immediately to the left of” readings
- Filippo Domaneschi, Robert Reinecke and Simona Di Paola The ERP signature of presupposition triggers
- Maria Alice Baraldi, Simona Di Paola and Filippo Domaneschi Pragmatic abilities in early Parkinson’s Disease
- Pietro Mingardi and Francesco Vespignani A new paradigm to study the processing of negations in graded felicity contexts
- Francesca Ervas, Maria Grazia Rossi, Amitash Ojha, Valentina Favrin and Bipin Indurkhya The double framing effect of emotive metaphors in argumentation
- Sandy Ciroux A Word about Gestures
- Cristina Grisot and Hannah Rohde On predicting temporal relations: assessing the role of verbal tenses and lexical aspect
- Paolo Canal, Luca Bischetti, Giacomo Ranieri, Elisabetta Tonini and Valentina Bambini Electrophysiological correlates of picturing metaphors: The role of modality and mental imagery in processing
- Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos and Pia Knoeferle Understanding metaphors in object positions: Testing competing theories and investigating the interaction of context and lexically-encoded verb knowledge è una rete italiana di ricercatrici e ricercatori creata nel 2017 con l’obiettivo di promuovere e discutere a livello internazionale la ricerca in pragmatica sperimentale

Al termine delle due giornate di lavori sarà anche consegnato il premio in denaro Young Researcher Award, sponsorizzato  dalla Scuola Universitaria Superiore di Pavia e aggiudicato dal Comitato organizzatore alla migliore presentazione curata da giovani laureati con dottorato di ricerca conseguito da non oltre due anni.



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