Giovedì 6 dicembre evento conclusivo a Cagliari, nella Manifattura Tabacchi, con esperti e ricercatori a confronto sulle nuove frontiere dell'ICT, della Fisica e dell'Astrofisica
05 December 2018
Appuntamento conclusivo a Cagliari il 6 dicembre, negli ex locali della Manifattura Tabacchi



- Francesco Pigliaru, President of Sardinia Region
- Fabrizio Cobis, General Manager, Head of Office for Research Valorization, Ministry of Education University and Research
- Luigi Amodio, Director of the Science Centre, Città della Scienza

Introduction to the cagliari side event:
- Raffaele Paci, Vice President of Sardinia Region
- Zhu Donghai, Deputy General Manager, Science and Technology Department of Hainan Province
- Maria Del Zompo, Rector of the University of Cagliari
- Massimo Carpinelli, Rector of the University of Sassari
- Alberto Scanu, President of Confindustria Sardinia, the regional enterpreneurship association
- Zhang Zehao, Secretary of Beijing Technology Exchange & Promotion Center

Smart cities, with the smart grid, are evolving rapidly. They integrate and use information to be shared between departments, infrastructure operators and with citizens for a greater, more responsive urban ecosystem. In a smart city, energy, water, transportation, public health and safety, and other key services are managed in concert to support smooth operation of critical infrastructure while providing for a clean, economic and safe environment. Best practices of public-private partnership for the benefit of the community will be illustrated during the session.

Chairman: Fabrizio Giulio Luca Pilo, En.Si.El and University of Cagliari
- Andrea Benso, Smart City Laboratory Innovation Forum Roma Capitale
From smart nation to smart City: the Italian case
- Xiaoqing Yuan, Director of China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID)
- Annalisa Bonfiglio, President of CRS4 and Representative of the Joint Innovation Center with
Huawei - Joint Innovation Center: Smart city competence center
- Alfonso Damiano, Technological Cluster Smart Communities Tech
- YouYi Zhang, CEO of National One Belt And One Road environmental Technology Exchange
and Transfer Center

The recent development of the astrophysics in the whole international community is well represented in the local context. In Sardinia is hosted one of the largest and modern radio telescopes. The Sardinia Radiotelescope (SRT) with its 64m diameter and active optics, is able to look far in the universe and connect to the most distant human-built probes in our Solar System. In the near future also the new field of gravitational wave (gW) observations of the universe may have a possible development in the Sardinia territory, thanks to the effort toward the proposal of an optimal site for the third generation of gW detectors, a possible extraordinary installation will take place in the dismissed mines, host the Einstein Telescope (ET).

Chairman: Plinio Innocenzi, University of Sassari

- Marco Pallavicini, Coordinator of the Commission on Astroparticle Physics, INFN-National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Strategical Projects in Sardinia, the Dark Side ARIA project
- Xiang Bin, Assistant General Manager of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Ltd.
- Massimo Carpinelli, Rector of the University of Sassari and Project principal Investigator
The Third -generation ground-based gravitational wave detector “The case of Einstein Telescope (ET)”
- Jian Ma, President of the Beijing International Aerotropolis Technology Research Institute
The Development and Opportunities of General Aviation in China
- Emilio Molinari, Director of Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari-INAF
Present experience and future possibilities for a collaboration on astronomy, EATING VLBI Project
- Giuseppe Mazzarella, University of Cagliari
Technological developments for Science and applications


Luna Rossa has launched the challenge to the XXXVI America's Cup to be held between January and March 2021. In view of the training, of the participation in the preliminary races and of its final goal, Luna Rossa will carry out studies, tests and research in the field of advanced computational fluid dynamics, in the design of the hull of the new boat and it will experience broadband connectivity to acquire the data necessary to optimize the duties of the crew. This is the purpose why Luna Rossa is one of the most advanced scientific and technological laboratory thanks to its collaboration with research centers specialized in scientific research and in High Performance Computing such as the fluid dynamics project implemented with CRS4 (Center for advanced studies, research and development in Sardinia).




mercoledì 5 dicembre 2018 / Prima Economia (Pagina 13 - Edizione CA)
L'APPUNTAMENTO. Domani alla Manifattura Tabacchi. Pigliaru: stretti rapporti tra l'Isola e Pechino
IMPRESE E COOPERAZIONE: la Settimana Italia-Cina fa tappa a Cagliari

Fa tappa a Cagliari - domani alla Manifattura Tabacchi dalle 9.30 - l'appuntamento conclusivo della Settimana Italia-Cina della scienza, della tecnologia e dell'innovazione, il più grande evento europeo di internazionalizzazione, organizzato ogni anno dai ministeri per l'Università e la Ricerca dei due Paesi. In programma un focus territoriale sulle nuove frontiere dell'informatica, della fisica e dell'astrofisica. «È un appuntamento di grande rilevanza, che conferma e corona un ininterrotto lavoro, fatto di serietà e affidabilità nei mercati internazionali», dice il presidente della Regione Francesco Pigliaru. «Dalla visita del presidente Xi Jinping due anni fa e, poco dopo, la decisione del colosso Huawei di aprire a Pula un centro di ricerca per le smart and safe city unico in Europa, i rapporti si sono intensificati e questa settimana rappresenta un ulteriore tassello per far crescere la cooperazione». Il vicepresidente Raffaele Paci parla di «grande occasione per l'economia dell'Isola» e ricorda che «il mercato cinese è enorme, in continua espansione ed è per noi una grande opportunità: per questo vogliamo aiutare le nostre imprese a crescere, attraverso politiche di innovazione e internazionalizzazione che permettano loro di competere sui mercati globali». (ma. mad.)


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