Michael Howlett - Simon Fraser University, Canada
The Lessons of Failure: Learning and Blame Avoidance in Public Policy-Making
The Lessons of Failure: Learning and Blame Avoidance in Public Policy-Making
Academic Integration and Enrolment: An Actor-Network Theory Approach to Investigating Student Membership in the Major
Modelling mania with intracranial self-stimulation: effects of mood stabilizers
alle ore 19.00 presso gli impianti sportivi di Monte Claro
consegna dei testi entro il 20 agosto 2012
European dimension of teacher’s scientific education and training
domenica 8 luglio a partire dalle 17.00 in via Talete
The Role of Cortical and Sub-Cortical Interactions Controlling Opiate Addiction Related Memory
Data Stream Management System - Supporting Complex Event Processing
Scientific Communication