UniCa UniCa News Communication RANKING Phd Courses, Academic Year 2017-2018, Cycle XXXIII

RANKING Phd Courses, Academic Year 2017-2018, Cycle XXXIII

Autore dell'avviso: Ateneo

25 September 2017
Pubblicazione delle graduatorie dei concorsi per l’ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca – A.A. 2017-2018 - XXXIII ciclo


Candidates must first fill in the enrolment form available at the web site https://unica.esse3.cineca.it/Start.do

and also upload:

-      recent passport size photo (in bitmap or jpeg format)
-      copy of a valid identity document
-      self-certification filled out and signed – DOWNLOAD THE FORM (word)
FROM 25.9.2017 TO 30.9.2017 h 23:59 (local time)
For any problem concerning the procedure for enrolment on-line, we recommend sending an email to dottoratiemaster@unica.it within 30.9.2017; only in this way, we can save the position.
It will not be taken into account any email request for assistance received after the 30.9.2017 (deadline for enrolment). In this case the candidate loses the right to enroll.

May enroll only those candidates that are “AMMESSI”/“ADMITTED”.

Candidates “IDONEO NON VINCITORE” / “ELIGIBLE NOT WINNERS” will eventually be contacted via email by the PhD office, following the scrolling list.

In order to complete the enrolment procedure it’s compulsory to pay the fee of €16,00 within 2.10.2017, midday (local time).

Candidates residing abroad can pay the fee of € 16,00 by bank transfer to:
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Via Università 40
Tesoreria universitaria Banco di Sardegna
IBAN code IT51T0101504800000000043280
Reason for payment: "Enrolment at PhD course - XXXII cycle, name and surname of the candidate and PhD course he/she wants to enroll". The receipt of payment via bank transfer has to be sent to dottoratiemaster@unica.it  within 2.10.2017, midday (local time)

Candidates holding a foreign academic degree must provide also the following documents along with the ones listed above to:
1. original of their degree or legalized copy;
2. legalized translation into Italian of their degree in original;
3. original declaration of validity (Dichiarazione di valore in loco) of the foreign degree issued by the competent Italian diplomatic representative in the Country where the academic qualification has been achieved (http://www.cimea.it/default.aspx?IDC=31 ).
In case of impossibility to respect the abovementioned deadline, candidates should deliver the last 3 documents within a new deadline set in accordance with the office “Settore dottorati e master”.

Students who do not complete their enrolment within the deadline will automatically be considered as withdrawn and the next candidate in the ranking list will take their place; the University office will inform by email the next ranked candidates and invite them to enroll within the deadline reported above.

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