
Autore dell'avviso: Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali

13 March 2023
Martedì 14 marzo 2023 ore 17:00 Aula Magna “Baffi”, via Sant’Ignazio, 74, Cagliari - Crossings. Dynimics and Challanges of Migration Routes in the Mediterranean


Martedì 14 marzo 2023 ore 17:00

Crossings. Dynimics and Challanges of Migration Routes in the Mediterranean

* Francesca Mazzuzi (Ass. Mem.Med.), Introduction: what happens after (and during) the route
* Özgür Ünal Eriş (Istanbul “29 Mayis” Üniversitesi), Refugees in the world – the case of Turkey
* Rachid Khechana (CMEL, Tunis) Refugees in the Mediterranean – the Libyan migration route

Aula Magna “Baffi”,
via Sant’Ignazio, 74, Cagliari

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