
Autore dell'avviso: [80/71] Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell'Archit...

27 March 2023
International Workshop | docenti: Maurizio Memoli, Ivan Blecic, Ester Cois | L-17 e LM-4 | 50 ore 4 CFU - M-GGR/02 | max 10 studenti


Learning outcomes: The objective of the workshop is to grasp the dynamic character of the city, to consider the urban phenomenon as an overlap between different times and different spaces, actors and practices, to recognize the continuous adaptation and modification determined by the multiplicity of uses and subjects that they inhabit and signify the city space.

Course contents: The international workshop on the city and spatial justice includes a one-week residential period in Cagliari, with the participation of around 30 students from the three partner universities, University of Cagliari (Italy), Masaryk University Brino (Czechia) and University of Paris Nanterre (France). The workshop is dedicated to the study of an urban context in Cagliari, with students divided into “mixed” groups and called to carry out an exercise in reading, interpreting and representing the urban space seen in relation to the themes of spatial and environmental justice, and with the consequent restitution of a “transmedia” elaborate.



Ivan Ble?i?, Ester Cois, Maurizio Memoli, Valeria Saiu, Emanuel Muroni > University of Cagliari

Sonia Lehman and David Blanchon > University Paris Nanterre

Jakub Trojan and Ond?ej Šery? > Masaryk University Brno

Activities: The planned activities are:

1. two introductory online lectures, on 13 February (16:00-18:00) and 13 March (16:00-18:00) on: concepts of spatial justice; methods and tools for spatial analysis; presentation of the study area in Cagliari; documentation and recommended readings

2. residential workshop in Cagliari, from 27 March to 1 April, with the participation of around 30 students from the three partner universities (Cagliari, Paris Nanterre, Masaryk). The main interest of the workshop consists in the work of an international group, under the supervision of teachers, with the learning and application of spatial study and research methodologies in relation to “direct immersion” in the case study in a neighbourhood of Cagliari.

3. a post-workshop online “refinement” phase (with a work commitment of about 20 hours), supervised by the teachers and tutors, to produce the final output, to be presented on 17 April.

Assessment methods: Evaluation of final reports produced by students

Further information: For more information and enrollment see

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