
Autore dell'avviso: [60/64] Corso di Laurea in Matematica

11 May 2017
Seminario di ricerca operativa


Il professor Daniele Vigo Professore ordinario di Ricerca Operativa presso l’Università Alma Mater di Bologna e Presidente dell’AIRO, Associazione Italiana di Ricerca Operativa (, terrà un seminario dal titolo:
Models and DSS for large scale real-world waste management network design and operation
Il seminario si terrà martedì 16 Maggio presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, in aula B alle ore 16:00
During the last decades, solid waste management has constantly increased its influence on a variety of factors impacting on the entire society, especially for what concerns economical and environmental issues. Waste logistic networks became articulated and challenging because the traditional source-to-landfill situation switched to multi-echelon networks in which waste flows generally go through more than one preliminary or intermediate treatments (e.g., separation, selection, consolidation, incineration, composting, biostabilization) before reaching their final destinations (e.g., landfills or markets). Complex optimization problems arises in this context, with the objective of maximizing the overall profit of the service. We describe the business case of the leading Italian Waste Management Company, and how their issue was tackled to develop an innovative decision support system for strategic, tactical and operations planning using mixed integer linear formulations.

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