Neurophysiology Lab
In the laboratory of neurophysiology, directed by Prof. Manolo Carta, the main topic of research is focused on Parkinson’s disease with both a clinical and preclinical line of investigation. As for the preclinical research, animal models are used to mimic the human disease. The 6-OHDA-treated model is used to understand the mechanisms behind the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia and to explore therapeutic approaches. In parallel, the rat model of alpha-synuclein over-expression is used to address the mechanisms underlying the neurodegenerative process and to investigate neuroprotective strategies. Clinical research is also performed in collaboration with neurologists at Cagliari University Hospital and other Italian research centers to investigate possible biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease and to identify potential therapeutic targets.
STAFF: Dr.ssa Silvia Fanni (tecnico D)
LOCATION AND PHONE: Cittadella Universitaria, blocco A. Tel 070 6756697
By combining electrophysiological, behavioural and neuroanatomical techniques, the following research activities are carried out:
- study of the morpho-functional properties and the transduction mechanisms of the chemosensory systems in insects of agronomic and health interest;
- study of the functional anatomy and the motor programs at the base of “calling behaviour” in female moths;
- study of the morpho-functional properties at the base of the contraction mechanisms of the crop, a diverticulated organ of the insect digestive tract with food storage functions;
- study of the chemoreception in decapod crustaceans and echinoderms, with particular attention to the responses to chemicals of feeding and reproductive significance.
STAFF: Marco Melis
LOCATION AND PHONE: Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Blocco C/piano terra, Cittadella Universitaria Monserrato Tel.: 070-6754192
Physiology of Human Sensory Systems
Integrating methods of psychophysics, molecular biology, neurobiology, genetics, nutrition, and electrophysiology, the research activity aims to identify the physiological basis of individual gustatory and olfactory variability, analyze the relationships between gustatory and olfactory sensitivity, eating behavior, nutritional status and human health, and how to modify the gustatory and olfactory perception. The new electrophysiological technique of recording bioelectrical potentials from lingual taste cells (WO 2017/212377 A1), allows to determine the degree of activation of the peripheral gustatory system following gustatory stimulation, obtaining a direct and objective measure of its function. The coupled technique Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry allows the identification of single odor-active compounds from complex olfactory stimuli and to study the individual variability of their perception.
LOCATION AND PHONE: Cittadella Universitaria Monserrato, Sezione Fisiologia, blocco C, piano terra e piano primo. Tel: 070 675-4193/4189/4048.
Fisiologia comportamentale (Setzu-Muroni)
Studio fisiopatologico dei disturbi del sonno e dell’olfatto nelle malattie neurodegenerative in modelli animali, in particolare sulla Drosophila melanogaster WT e i suoi mutanti.
LOCALIZZAZIONE E TELEFONO: Blocco C, piano terra, tel: 070 6754348
Laboratorio Indagini Sperimentali Fisiologia e Fisiopatologia del muscolo liscio e cardiaco in modelli animali e nell’uomo
L’attività scientifica condotta con approccio sperimentale e teorico (sviluppo e applicazione di modelli matematici) è prevalentemente incentrata sulla biomeccanica muscolare e il suo controllo miogeno, nervoso e ormonale, nell’uomo e in modelli animali.
Eventuale rimodellamento della geometria sarcomerale del muscolo cardiaco in seguito all’insorgenza di condizioni patologiche, come il diabete di tipo I, e/o in seguito all’ingestione di energy Drink, tipo Red Bull agente sul sistema cardiovascolare.
Studio modellistico della cinetica dei motori molecolari miosinici nell’uretere umano
PERSONALE: Sig. Alessandro Capra
LOCALIZZAZIONE E TELEFONO: Blocco C, 1° piano; 0706753907
Experimental Nutrition Laboratory
The main objective of the research is to study the nutritional role of lipids in maintaining body composition homeostasis. The focus is on the influence of dietary fats on lipid and energy metabolism, as well as on metabolic flexibility through the modulation of the endocannabinoid system and PPAR receptors. Specifically, the studies explore the nutritional properties of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), omega-3 fatty acids, palmitic acid, and fatty acids produced by the microbiota. To conduct these studies, lipidomic analytical methods are used, including HPLC-DAD, UHPLC-MS/MS, and GC, as well as gene expression analysis through qPCR, hormone assays via ELISA, and metabolic flexibility assessment through indirect calorimetry. Additionally, these methods are employed to study the nutritional impact on the metabolism of dietary exosomes. The research is conducted using both animal experimental models and human subjects.
LOCATION AND PHONE: Block C, ground floor, room 3602; phone 0706754187