Double Degree Study Courses

Double Degree Programmes are international training courses offered on the basis of specific agreements with foreign universities, which entail the following:

  • student exchanges, so that Unica students spend part of their program at the partner university institution over the course of one or two semesters;
  • the simultaneous acquisition of both the degree awarded by the University of Cagliari and the partner university, with the guarantee that the degree will be recognised in both countries;
  • limited access to the programme, regulated by specific admission requirements and a limited number of places.

Courses granting the Double Degree are listed below.

Doppio titolo con: University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague)

Curriculum: percorso comune

Classe del Corso: LM-22

Durata del Corso: 2 anni

Lingua di erogazione: Inglese

Studenti ammessi: 5

Periodo mobilità outgoing: II anno


Doppio titolo con: Cracow University of Technology (Politechnika Krakowska)

Curriculum: Tecniche e Tecnologie di Risanamento Ambientale

Classe del Corso: LM-35

Durata del Corso: 2 anni

Lingua di erogazione: Inglese

Studenti ammessi: 5

Periodo mobilità outgoing: II anno


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