
The Master's Degree Course in Advanced Biotechnology (class LM-9) is open access.

Admission to the Master's Degree Course is subject to the fulfillment of the curricular requirements and the verification of the adequacy of the personal preparation, according to what will be established by the Didactic Regulations of the Course, in compliance with the general principles indicated below.

General requirements for meeting the curriculum requirements are:

Possession of a three-year bachelor's degree in one of the following classes: L-2 Biotechnology, L-13 Biological Sciences, L-29 Pharmaceutical Science and Technology.

Or possession of another degree, having obtained, at the time of enrollment, a minimum number of CFUs in the following scientific disciplines:

    a)  Mathematical, chemical and physical disciplines: at least 18 CFUs among the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSDs) CHIM/*, FIS/*, MAT/*;

    b)  Biological disciplines (biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, pharmacology): at least 18 CFU among SSD BIO/10, BIO/11, BIO/13, BIO/14,                   BIO/18, BIO/19, MED/07.

In addition, a language certification attesting to English language proficiency at a level of at least B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is required. Students who do not have such a certificate may take a level B2 placement test at the University Language Center (CLA) prior to the admission interview in order to certify the required level.

A special committee verifies that the candidate has met the curricular requirements.

The Adequacy of Personal Preparation Examination consists of an oral interview with an aptitude assessment designed to determine the adequacy of the candidate's personal preparation.

In the case of candidates holding degrees obtained abroad, the following will be evaluated:

  • the type of examinations taken, both of those included in the scientific-disciplinary fields indicated for the purpose of fulfilling the curricular requirements and of the others present in the plan of the Course of Study, which constitutes a title useful for access to the Master's Degree;
  • the results obtained in the exams taken, with particular attention to those in the scientific disciplines indicated for the fulfillment of the curricular requirements;
  • the nature of the final examination.

The Commission, if it considers the preparation to be adequate, will decide, through an individual interview, on the eligibility for the Course by granting the necessary authorization. Foreign candidates who, in the opinion of the Commission, do not have a fluent command of the written and spoken Italian language will be able to acquire this knowledge during their training by attending specific Italian language courses, for which up to 3 CFUs will be recognized.

Foreign candidates are allowed to complete the interview remotely through an online platform according to the guidelines set by the Commission.

From May until the end of August, it is possible to register online for the Personal Preparation Adequacy Test.

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