
Mandatory internship

The Courses of Study of the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy require within their study plan mandatory internship periods that can take place, depending on what is established by the Course of Study, in facilities within the University (Internal Internship) or in external research companies or institutions (External Internship).

Students must elect a faculty member to act as their Academic Tutor in the case of both Internal and External Internship.

To activate an External Internship, it is essential to have an Agreement between the host research institution and the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy.

For the activation of a new Agreement, the Academic Tutor should send an email to indicating the following details of the institution or company with which a new Convention is to be entered into:

1. legal name;

2. legal address;

3. tax code/VAT number;

4. PEC;

5. e-mail;

6. telephone;

7. last name, first name, place and date of birth of the legal representative.

Activation of a new Agreement must be requested at least 2 months before the expected start date of the internship.

The Course of Study in Advanced Biotechnology includes 15 CFUs of mandatory Internship, amounting to 375 hours, useful for the purpose of preparing the Thesis to be carried out in university and non-university laboratories, provided they are of high qualification.

The student may choose the host facility for the mandatory Internship:

a) within university laboratories, subject to the availability of open positions, under the supervision of a professor who carries out teaching activities in the CdS and who, in addition to fulfilling the role of Academic Tutor will be the Supervisor of the Degree Thesis and will have the task of verifying that the work is consistent with the educational objectives of the CdS and with the profile of the outgoing graduate.

b) alternatively, at external research institution, as long as they are highly qualified and always under the supervision of a professor who carries out teaching activities in the CdS and who, in addition to holding the role of Academic Tutor will be the Supervisor of the Degree Thesis and will have the task of verifying that the work is consistent with the educational objectives of the CdS and with the profile of the outgoing graduate.


Forms for the initiation and completion of the Internship can be found on the Forms subpage.



1) The student elects the Academic Tutor who will supervise him/her during the Internship and the relevant research laboratory;

2) The student fills out the Online Initiation Form;

3) The student downloads the Attendance Log and completes it in its entirety;

4) Upon completion of the Internship, the student emails the completed Attendance Log to the Academic Tutor and in cc to


1) The student identifies the Academic Tutor who will follow him/her during the Internship;

1.1) If an Agreement with the external research institution that is to host the intern is not already active, the Academic Tutor sends a request for activation to

2) The student completes the Online Initiation Form;

2.1) The student delivers a copy of the Initiation Form to the Host Institution/Company;

2.2) The Company Tutor completes the Declaration of Acceptance and sends it to and in cc to the Academic Tutor.

3) The student downloads the Attendance Log and completes it in its entirety;

4) At the end of the Internship, the student sends by e-mail to the Academic Tutor and in cc to the Attendance Register duly filled in and signed by the Company Tutor

4.1) The Company Tutor completes the Company Evaluation Questionnaire;

4.2) The student sends the Company Evaluation Questionnaire to the contact person indicated on the Internship page.

Mandatori Internship Representative

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