

This invention concerns a multi-band fluorescence excitation system, said system having an overall reference axis (A) and comprising a light source (1’…1n, 3’…3n) providing light beams, means (6’…6n) for filtering said light beams of said light source, and means (7) for mixing said light beams coming from said filtering means (6’…6n), in order to obtain at least one output light beam having a combination of wavelength ranges, characterised in that said light source comprises one or more light source modules (1’…1n), each light source module (1’…1n) comprising a LED mounting support (2’…2n; 11’…11n), onto which an array of LEDs (3’…3n) are mounted, and being mounted in turn onto a module mounting support (9, 9’), each one of said LEDs (3’…3n) being capable of emitting a light beam at a wavelength range (a, b, c), and in that said filtering means comprise one or more modular excitation band selecting filter elements (6’…6n) each one corresponding to one of said light source modules (1’…1n), each excitation band selecting filter element (6’…6n) having a light receiving area and being capable to receive the light beam of each one of said LEDs (3’…3n) of the respective light source module (1’…1n) on a corresponding portion of said light receiving area, whereby selecting a band of the light beam wavelength range of each one of said LEDs (3’…3n).
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