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Virtual Clinical Trials in 2D and 3D X-ray Breast Imaging and Dosimetry: Comparison of CPU-Based and GPU-Based Monte Carlo Codes

Golosio B.;Fanti V.;


Computational reproductions of medical imaging tests, a form of virtual clinical trials (VCTs), are increasingly being used, particularly in breast imaging research. The accuracy of the computational platform that is used for the imaging and dosimetry simulation processes is a funda-mental requirement. Moreover, for practical usage, the imaging simulation computation time should be compatible with the clinical workflow. We compared three different platforms for in-silico X-ray 3D breast imaging: the Agata (University & INFN Napoli) that was based on the Geant4 toolkit and running on a CPU-based server architecture; the XRMC Monte Carlo (University of Cagliari) that was based on the use of variance reduction techniques, running on a CPU hardware; and the Monte Carlo code gCTD (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) running on a single GPU platform with CUDA environment. The tests simulated the irradiation of cylindrical objects as well as anthropomorphic breast phantoms and produced 2D and 3D images and 3D maps of absorbed dose. All the codes showed compatible results in terms of simulated dose maps and imaging values within a maximum discrepancy of 3%. The GPU-based code produced a reduction of the computation time up to factor 104, and so permits real-time VCT studies for X-ray breast imaging.
Breast cancer; Geant4; GPU code; Virtual clinical trials
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