Mineralogical-petrographic and physical-mechanical features of the construction stones in punic and roman temples of antas (Sw sardinia, italy): Provenance of the raw materials and conservation state

Columbu S.
Costamagna L. G.
Fancello D.


The Antas site (SW Sardinia, Italy) is of fundamental cultural importance because it testifies the presence of Nuragic, Punic and Roman civilizations from the second millennium to the third century BC. This work focuses on the Punic and the Roman temples and aims to define their conservation state and provenance of construction materials through their minero-petrographic and physical-mechanical characterization. In addition, artificial geomaterials used in restoration works comprising a partial anastylosis and a consolidation intervention on the monument, were investigated to evaluate the aesthetic, petrographic and petrophysical compatibility with the original materials. The results indicate that Punic builders preferred to use a porous sandstone coming from at least few kilometres away from the site. By contrast, Roman builders opted for the use of the less porous and harder local metadolostones, more difficult to quarry and to hew but promptly available in the surrounding area. The Roman temple still preserves decorative architectural elements (as the Pronao threshold and the mosaic tesserae) whose source is definitely not local, suggesting the import of these materials. As regards artificial materials, a new material was found within the Punic temple consisting of a sandstone-like rock (i.e., lime based sandy-conglomeratic geomaterial) and characterized by higher mechanical strength and lower porosity.
Ancient quarry; Limestone; Metadolostone; Mortar-stone; Physical-mechanical properties; Provenance; Punic-Roman; Sandstone; Stone; Sulcis-iglesiente
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