Il riuso delle aree militari in Italia: esperienze di ricerca e didattica per le caserme di Bolzano e Cagliari



THE REUSE OF MILITARY SITES IN ITALY: RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERlMENTAL CASE STUDIES FOR BOLZANO AND CAGLIARI BARRACKS The paper mainly focuses on possible research strategies for the reuse of military barracks in ltalian context developed within special agreements signed between the Ministry of Defence and some Academic Institutions. In detail, the contribution referrers to research and educational activities carried out by the Torino Polytechnic on military areas in Appiano and Bolzano and by the University of Cagliari on the San Filippo Bastion in Cagliari. In Bolzano, the studies investigated the possibility of reorganizing the military functions and designed innovative configurations for the buildings included in the list of disposal, considering new residential uses for special communities, such as students, seniors, young couples or migrants. Turning to San Filippo Bastion in Cagliari, in the actual lack of specific political strategies, the workshop developed an exploratory design project for different possible reuses of the fort, in the event of a future military closure, but also in case of rnilitary permanence in an innovative dual use. What emerges is the strategic role that scientific research can play in the process of redevelopment of military areas and the relevance of the establishment of a national research network that includes a permanent observatory on projects, strategies and policies on the reuse of these particular public real estate assets.
conservation, reconversion, urban regeneration, dual use, research network
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